Elupticus Calling

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Nobody was aware but Amanda had a worsening case of PTSD. She was grateful to God that it had never surfaced at school, but it had come awfully close. In fact, so close that she was about to lose control in her Astronomy class. Ironically, it was the eccentric kid called Maatwad that kept her in her reality. She did not approve of the Professor's satirical mocking of Matt's religion. In fact, she had determined to approach the prof at the end of the next class. Tragically there was a deathly heist that occurred at the University, and Matt was one of the fatalities. Matt had been a hero. Yes, she did recall. He had demanded those strange men to surrender. What happened from there? She could have sworn she saw his body being carried up into the air. She wondered if that was real... Was her PTSD becoming delusional?

Marth was out on his early morning run. So far, he had discovered that he could reach speeds exceeding six hundred Kilometres per hour. Not only could he reach this astronomical speed, but he seemed to be able to sustain the speed indefinitely. In two-hundred meters his eyes perceived the most stunning beauty he had ever laid eyes on. He grounded to a halt. He must meet her.

"Hello there." She ignored him. Though not in rude-ness. She was deep in the middle of PTSD. Last night had thrown her overboard. She didn't know who she was, or where she was, or why she was.

"Is there something wrong? Why are you ignoring me?" Soon Carvarious arrived.

"Marth my son. It seems to me the good Lord has drawn you to your destiny. Her name is Amanda, and only you can show her true Love that will break her from her curse."

"What curse?" Marth questioned.

"In this world, severe grief and trauma that is far too much to bear... It can only be conquered by true Love. But this kind of Love isn't found in the movies. This kind of love you need to discover for yourself. And ultimately discover with her, for Amanda has always been your soul-mate whether you two knew it or not." Carvarious vanished into the air, just like he was privy to do.

"Great help you are!" Marth screamed with frustration. Marth was agitated. What exactly was he supposed to do for a girl in the middle of an 'Episode'? The answer came from inside himself; carry her back to her dorm. That is exactly what he did.

"Hi, my darling is a bit slammed, and I am wondering where her dorm room is?"

"Dorm number 3, bed 7." Extremely grateful to the kid Marth responded, "May you be blessed for your caring heart." In a flash Amanda was tucked in bed, and Marth was nowhere to be found. Amanda had a restful blissful sleep with dreams of flowers and dancing cupids. She awoke the next day not recollecting anything that had occurred.


Tyler Roge knocked on Amanda's door with flowers the following morning. "For you doll... Just to say I miss ya."

Amanda was pleased, but something about it seemed somehow wrong. Her feelings were all out of sorts. "Thanks Tyler... I'll put them in a vase." The awkwardness intensified, though Tyler was unaware. He leaned in for a kiss, just like he did so many times before. She turned away. "Tyler..."

Tyler was confused. "You refuse me?"

"Tyler... Something has happened to me that I don't understand; some feeling that I've never felt before..."

"I'll kill that prick! I will!" Tyler raged.

"Tyler please, I don't even know who he is..."

"Then why are you screwing with my heart?"

"Tyler... I instinctually know, I love him." She clarified.

"Well... Goodbye!" Tyler walked away in wrath.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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