Left alone

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Requested by Dragonwolfe25

     While Bakugou's parents were out, his job was to clean up the attic. Now, that attic hasn't been touched in a long time, so it was bound to be dusty and gross. Bakugou lied down on his bed for 10 minutes after his parents left. After, he begrudgingly got up and but some clothes suitable for clean something so dusty. He left the room, and walked over to the attic. The ashy blond had to oven a small door in order to get inside. Katsuki pulled a small rope attached to the door and pulled it. A ladder came down after the door was pulled, and Bakugou knew that would happen. The teen tried moving out the way but a cloud of dust 'clouded' (ha a pun) his vision. The metal ladder hit him straight in the head, knocking him out. Some blood also managed to escape his body.


The Bakugou's wanted to do more shopping at mall, but they told their son they would be back in 30 minutes. 10 minutes from now. They decided to just call him to tell him they were gonna stay longer. Yet, when they called, Katsuki didn't answer. That was especially odd, considering he carried his phone everywhere he went. Maybe it was time to leave...yes, that was the decided best course of action.

They went home and saw something they never wanted to see. Almost falling down the stairs, was the limp body of their son, Bakugou Katsuki. Masaru and Mitsuki both gasped and dropped their bags. Masaru stumbled with the phone as he dialed 911. Mitsuki checked to see if Kat was still breathing. And he was, but it was very short and light. His body quivered with every breath. She started to hold his wound, attempting to stop the fountain of blood spilling out of his head. The ambulance came into view a few minutes later, the parents and paramedics scrambling to lift Katsuki in the truck. Unknown to her, Mitsuki has tears running down her face, but she didn't feel embarrassed. This was her son after all, and she wasn't the only one crying. Masaru was also crying. The couple were both close to crying.


Inko and Izuku were both walking home after a long walk around the park. They met up with all might, but he left after the walk was over. The 2 talked about random things, like what to eat for lunch and such. Normally, Izuku would take the path away from Bakugou's house but something told him to go by the Bakugou household. His mom also seemed like she wanted to go home that way, maybe to say hi to Aunt Mitsuki. Yeah that's probably it.

The Midoriya's both walked closer to the Bakugou house. They started to hear the faint sound of sirens, getting a little worry and feeling sorry for whoever was going to the hospital (if they were hurt of course). Once the two got closer to the scene they saw a tuff of familiar ashy blond hair, and they began to run over there. Izuku and Inko yelled out Mitsuki's name, catching het attention. The Midoriya's got caught up on the current situation, and also started to also cry. The Bakugou's and Midoriya's both were invited into the van, and gladly took the offer. The four all sobbed and hiccuped over the body of the strong boy they knew so dearly. The 2 paramedics in the car both felt a large amount of pity for the young boy's family.


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