4/20 (No ship)

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Don't worry, this time it's an ACTUAL birthday chapter. I love Bakugou too much for that. And yes I know I'm late, I'm not a fast writer. Oh yeah, and probably heros rising spoilers. But not big ones, just the two kids (I'm surprised I haven't written anything about it. I saw it awhile ago)

It was April 20th, otherwise known as Katsuki Bakugou's Birthday. Or weed day, by Kaminari.
The ashy blond silently prayed that the class didn't know and would just carry on their day. His birthday was never made into a big celebration. Of course he got presents from his parents, but no more. His mom considered him a "spoiled brat" and never got him something too big. His father would buy something small but meaningful, in his eyes at least. Of course, no parties either. There were no friends to go. Mitsuki tried inviting Deku a few times, but little Katsuki always threw a tantrum if he even heard the two words "Izuku" and "Party" in the same sentence. Katsuki shook his head to stop his spiraling thoughts that were getting him nowhere. If today was going to be normal, he can't get up late. Getting out of bed and stretching his arms up, hearing the satisfying *pop* of his bones, he puffed his bed hair and put on his uniform. "Ew, it's Monday." He thought. If Kaminari were here, Bakugou knew he would say "ew, that's not a vibe". God, his frie-.... classmates confuse him. After putting on his uniform and throwing the unused school tie somewhere in his closet, Katsuki headed down stairs. His schedule made sure he was the first one in the common room. He popped a bagel into the burnt toaster (another story for another time. Involving Todoroki). After slightly tapping his foot to the beat of an old Panic at the Disco! song, he took out his phone and checked his messages, surprised there were so many. Half of him hoped for birthday wishes, but the other half blocked that out and made Katsuki annoyingly roll his eyes at the bright screen. His phone read: 20 messages in total. 15 from- hag. 5 from- WeirdHair, Pikachu, Raccoon, FlexTape, and Deku.

Outwardly groaning, Bakugou opened up to his mother's 15 text. He followed her demand and called the hag back, though wanting not to.
"KATSUKI! WHY DIDN'T YOU ANSWER ANY OF MY CALLS!!" Katsuki was glad he put her on speaker phone. Just thinking about his mother makes his ears hurt, to be honest. He decided to yell back, sort of for entertainment. "SHUT UP, YOU OLD HAG. I WAS SLEEPING" she sighed on the other side of the phone "I AM NOT AN OLD HA-Whatever. Anyway, Me and your father sent something to the dorms for you. Happy Birthday ,you brat" A click. Oh boy, presents. What is it this time, some all might socks? Katsuki rolled his eyes again. Then he remembered, "FUCK, I WAS USING THE TOASTER" he put his phone on the counter and picked up the burnt bagel. Since the toaster was now halfway broken, if you didn't take out your food when it told you, it would burn it. They really need to buy a new one. On top of that, the fridge didn't have any butter or cream cheese. 'Thanks for the amazing birthday breakfast' he narrowed his eyes at the toaster. His last option was coffee, but he could only have a bit, since most was for Mr.Aizawa (it had his name on it). As that was the only edible thing in this kitchen at the moment, he made a small cup of coffee in one of the unused mugs he had bought(no way in hell is he going to drink out of one of his classmate's mugs) and put some creamer inside. He scrunched his face up at the small amount of bitterness in the drink, but just drank it walked away from the kitchen. He wasn't one to start a whole petition, but he would to fix this kitchen. Sitting at the island, Katsuki grabbed his phone and drank the rest of his coffee. He opened all the messages "Happy Birthday, Bro! 🎁"
"Happy-Bday Bakugou!" "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAKUGOU!!! HAVE AN AMAZING DAY 🎉🎈🛍" "HappY BirthDaY Mah Dude!" "Happy Birthday Kacchan! Have a good day! (And my mom says happy birthday too) \(•v•)/"
Katsuki was silent. He had never gotten so many birthday wishes. Whatever, they now know it's his birthday. Which is the real problem. Knowing the "bakusquad", they probably already starting planning a party. Mina would never give up this chance. While staring at his phone, Uraraka had made her way downstairs. She yawned, "..Good Morning Bakugou. Happy Birthday." 'Are you serious?! Round face knows too?!' The blond thought, holding himself back from tightening his fists. "Whatever" he got up, slinging on his bookbag and stuffing his phone in his pocket. He left the dorms, making his way to school. Uravity looked at the closed door "What's got Mr.Grumpy-Mc-Grumpyton's panties in a twist?"

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