Chapter 2

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Alright, So we actually landed in the original AU, And right now I feel way nervous.
It's not exactly easy to take in, It's because All these years I have never been able to open a portal to the original, I was kinda forbidden to go here but I guess I changed my destiny or something.

And one thing readers, DREAM AND BLUE ARE SINNERS-


Am I seeing things or do I see other me's? cause, I think I am. They all were dressed in different clothing than mine so...I don't know. Could the multiverse theory be true though? I've always wondered that. But yeah, the kid already came, killed papyrus blah blah blah like I care anyway. It's totally okay, I've been experiencing these for the past years. It did feel like years since the last pacifist run, I am aware of the small changes in each timeline. But enough about that bull.


I feel a bit of hate from someone, Lol they probably hate whoever that person is. But I wouldn't care sh*t about them. They're just puppets to play with anyway.

3rd Person

Sans was bored and decided to actually talk to them. So, he walked up to them quietly and tapped one of them on the shoulder. The Sans turned around and saw him.

"Heya pal, Don't you know how to greet your fellow species?" Asked Sans in a fake goofy voice as he extended his soft hands to the Skeleton.

The skeleton -who is fell- grinned and shook their hand. fart noises erupted from their handshake. the whole underground was probably disturbed by it too.


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