Left Behind. (leondre devries/bars and melody fan fiction)

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Ashleigh-- Blonde hair and brown eyes

Lexi- Brown hair and blue eyes

I woke up surprisingly early this morning. It's the first day back at school since Christmas break and I'm really excited to see my friends and talk about what we all got for Christmas.

I got dressed into my ugly school uniform and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and do my hair. I put my hair into a side braid and went back to my room to apply my makeup.

I only wear a little bit of makeup today as I really can't be bothered to do loads. I apply bb creme, powder, mascara and baby lips.

I don't usually eat breakfast so I went downstairs and put the tv on. About ten minutes later I got a text from my best friend Lexi:


hey girlie, what time are you getting to school? we have a new boy, and he's in our form.see ya later chick xxxxx

Lexi does make me laugh. I put on my converse and grabbed my bag and walked to the bus stop. The bus came straight away and only took two minutes to get to school. When I got off the bus, I walked towards the school entrance. Just as I got closer to the school gates, I saw a boy drop his pe bag. Clearly he didn't notice and the ignorance of the people at my school weren't going to tell him, I ran towards the bag, picked it up and quickly walked up to the boy with the brown hair.

I very lightly tapped his shoulder and said "excuse me, you dropped your bag by the entrance, wouldn't want you losing it"

He looked at my with hopeful eyes, as if nobody had ever spoke to him before "thank you so much I never noticed, my mom would have killed me." the first thing I noticed about this boy was he had an amazing accent but I just couldn't tell where it was from.

"I've haven't seen you around before, are you new?" I smiled at him.

"Yeah I just moved here from Wales" His accent was Walsh duhhh "I'm leondre but you can call me leo"

"Nice to meet you Leo, I'm Ashleigh"

Me and Leondre were taking when I spotted some boys in the playground. These were the boys that really got on my nerves, they always shout at me and Lexi to "come over here" ugh so annoying.

I grabbed Leo's arm and pulled him towards the doors quickly before then idiotic boys could say anything. Leo seemed so sweet, I don't want him to turn into one of them like the last new boy did.

Leo's POV

Wow Ashleigh is so pretty, I think I like her already

"What form are you in?" I asked her

" Im in 1a what about you?"she replied softly

"Same, could I maybe hang out with you for the rest of the day?" I asked her

"Sure you can leo, we better get going to form or Mr Martin will give us a late detention"

We walked to form together quickyly and got there just before the bell rang. When we got there, Ashleigh took me to the teacher to introduce me to him. She then took a seat at the back with one of her friends.

Mr Martin very kindly put me in the seat infront of Ashleigh and her friend.

"Hi I'm Lexi, you must be the new kid" Lexi said whilst applying lip gloss in and looking in the mirror

"Yeah hi I'm Leondre but my friends call me Leo" I said surprisingly shyly.

*15 minutes later*

The the bell went and we had to go to lesson. We had all checked our timetable and luckily I had music as did Ashleigh and Lexi.

We were walking down the stairs when suddenly a big group of kids split me up from Ashleigh and Lexi.

Oh crap I have no idea where to go...........

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