Chapter 8

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***Ashleighs POV*****

When we got to Leo's house we were greeted by Leo at the door.

"Hey Leo" Emily greeted him

"Hello girls everyone is in the lounge, I'm just going to get some pillows I'll be right back" Leo said with a grin on his face

Me and Amy went into the lounge where the others were, jake and lexi were playing heads up so me and Amy decided to join in with them.

" It's... big and....heavy and is loud" Lexi shouted excitedly

"Times up" Amy said

"Ugh it was an elephant" Lexi said and we all laughed at her

Leo returned from upstairs with loads of pillows, "so guys lets go into the tent and have a good catch up!"

***Leos POV***

I am happy everyone could make it. I feel so happy that I finally have a nice group of friends, unlike my last school

I really like Ashleigh;period

I don't think she likes me but I'm going to have to tell her soon before it's too late, I see all the boys at school staring at her, for some reason she never notices! I can't help but feel jealous. I'm going to tell her tonight, that I like her, when the others have fell asleep, I know Ashleigh is always the last to drop off anyway.

I gave everyone the pillows and then Said " so guys, what shall we do first, I've got DVDs, we can go in the wii, or"

Ashleigh cut me off "truth or dare omg we haven't played this before what the hell"

She was right, for some reason we had never played truth or dare together before, is that strange?

" Okay then me first" jake added

(Ashleigh-ash| Emily -E| L-leo|le-Lexi|j-jake)

E:okay jake truth or dare?

J: truth

Ash:ugh jake booorrringgggggg

L-Jake is it true that you have like Lexi for 4years?

Jake went bright red in the face and so did Lexi

J:"guys you know the answer!!" He whined

Amy: and it is.....?

J: yes you already know

I looked over to see Emily whisper something to Jake, they will be together in no time you watch

He was right, we did know. We tease him about Emily because we know that it annoys him, Lexi won't tell anybody who she likes, not even Ashleigh, I guess we will find out soon

Crap it's my turn

Ash:Leo truth or dare?


Emily,lexi and Jake all looked at each other and smirked. I know exactly what they're going to say, they know I like Ashleigh but I made them swear not to tell her because I didn't want to ruin the friendship.

***Ashleigh's POV***

"Dare" Leo replied looking at the ground

"I dare you up the person you fancy and confess your feelings to them" Jake said smirking and looking at the others. Wait how come I'm the only one that doesn't seem to know what's happening

"Ugh fine, I hate you all" Leo moaned

He pulled out his phone and scrolled through he's contacts, just then my phone started ringing, holy crapit's me. Leo is ringing me, he's looking down at the floor nervously, I feel so bad but so awkward at the same time. I have to get out of here and get some fresh air. I know me and Leo kissed but it was ages ago, we haven't talked about it and we just carried on as best friends

I got up and walked out of the room and ran to the back door and went to sit outside and get away for a moment


*****AUTHORS NOTE*******

So I might update again tonight but I need you guys to vote? If your enjoying make sure to vote so I know I need to update or there is no point in me writing this.

Lots of loveeee


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