(loki x NS reader) Soulmate AU pt.1

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 Don't particularly write soulmate au's as they've been played out too many times but i did like this idea, Enjoy. BTW nb/non-specific reader!


 You were exhausted. All you found left at your house was a large jug of strong alcohol that was gifted to you and you decided to get familiar with it. You stumbled your way through the empty streets and found your way to the infamous rainbow bridge that your people has so much history with.

You looked down at he rapid waters hitting against the rough rocks and you could feel a large wave of emotions run over you as the tears fell easily. The first time you cried in a long time. Just overwhelmed by feeling worthless and undeserving of love. Giving up on trying to help, giving up on any excuses to make life worth living, and giving up on lying to yourself. You chug a large portion of it down to try and numb your mind. It feels nice to have your sorrow washed away while your head spun. Nothing else to worry about after today gives you a closed and broken smile which is still counted in your book as a smile as they come by so rare.

 you took another swing at the strong liquor and caught sight of the phrased on your wrist, you laughed while tears pricked your eyes yet again. The gods had nothing in place for you, there was no one that loved you or ever will. It is at the end of your time and not a single soul had said anything remotely close to what is written on your wrist. The pain it has brought you to hope that one day this special someone would come swoop you from your problems... but you've long seen through its trickery. Multiple times have you tried getting rid of it but through scratches and cuts did it look as visible as the day you first got it. Your lips quiver at the thought and finally chugging out the rest of the liquor. Almost spitting it up, you forced it back down.

 You looked up at the sky of stars and was reminded the cruelty of something so pretty, yet the reality of your existence is so much more devastating and small compared the the rest of the galaxy. You swayed in your place on the bridge while humming a tune you had heard nowhere in particular. You looked down at the water with a smile and open arms. As you pushed your legs over the edge you had clumsily knocked your jug down and watched its rapid descend. A voice out of the blue had spoken up behind you, "What brings you out on the bridge while everyone else is at home slumbering?" The persons appearance was in decipherable and fuzzy at the moment. You have consumed far too much alcohol to think properly. "I am purely admiring the universe's vast sky on this lovely night." Your heart was thumping all the way to your finger tips. You don't want to get caught by this man and now your lying to him with no reason to. You felt the full effects of the alcohol kick in and no longer were aware of your surroundings. " I suppose you and I aren't so different in that aspect." It took you a minute to register that it was the exacted phrase printed on your wrist. You stood up but as the blood rushed to your head, you quickly lost consciousness. 

 The sun from the window had aroused you from sleep. You sat up to nurse your throbbing headache when you realized you are in a room that looks far too lavished to belong to you. You hobbled out of bed and looked around the room. Questions of regret and fright ran through your head. You peaked out the increasingly bright window and were surprised when you saw the entire kingdom below. The panic had spiked as you realized the palace is the only place that has this kind of view and that means there had to be a horrible reason why you were here. Did you do something while you were blacked out? Could you have broken a law? That would be insane, why would they rest you in one of their chambers? You were in no condition to think out the details at your splitting headache. It hurt just to move around.

 Three loud knocks were heard at the door. A young voice was barely audible with the condition you were in so you slowly approached the  door. A young fellow was standing presentably at the door, " The royal family has asked if you will join them this morning for breakfast." You were totally baffled at the mere mention. Why would the royal family want to see you? "I cant go out looking like this." You muttered while looking down at your dirty clothes. The young man caught your distress and motioned for other maids to to enter in the room. "Very well. They will be the ones to aid you on your outfit this forenoon." You looked at him as if he was speaking another language. "I will inform them that you will be a little while longer."

A Glimmer in the Night (loki x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now