(Loki x NS reader) Soulmate AU pt.2

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The next morning you were awake at sunrise. You tried going back to sleep but you would just lay there tossing and turning with no avail. You sat up slightly frustrated and with nothing else to do, you decided it was best for you to take a bath. You actually enjoy the spacious bathtub, it was a gorgeous bathroom complete with shelves of different items to add to your bath. It took you a while to examine the tub, but it was simple enough to turn on the faucet. You picked a random container off the shelf and added it to your bathwater, hoping that it contained some sort of soap. Steam rose from the surface of the water which almost seemed like it was inviting you to go in. With your history of neglect of hygiene, you cringed at the thought of doing that here in the palace.

While you relaxed in the tub you thought about yesterday. You didn't know you had that side of you, either that or you haven't seen that side in a long time. Your chest became heavy at how long it's been since you've seen your face genuinely smile. It makes you think back and wonder: what if you have gone through with your plans on the bridge?

To think that you are soulmates with one of the heir to the throne. You realize how outragous it sounds. There are a surplus of people that in theory, would be better for the prince. It seemed almost impossible for you to imagine meeting the princes, let alone be destined to become his lover. It still doesn't seem true as you looked at your wrists. They were damage by your own confliction. The most sever part was where your soulmates phrase was located at. You ran your wet fingers over the scars that lay beneath the inked phrase, still questioning if you were truly meant for him. It almost seemed like an awful game was being played on you.

You heard a knock at the door. You quickly sat up from your laying down position. Lucky for you it was your maid that had come to wake you up, you hadn't realized how long you had been laying here.


You immediately went in the closet and both of you picked out your clothes. You dismissed the sweet maid and made your way to the library. You gently opened the door hearing the faint rumble of the large door. It didn't seem like anyone was here at first. You were surprised when you found him already there with the fire lit. Now it was your turn to awkwardly approach him.

From what you could see, he had a good stack of books right next to him which you assumed were the ones he was going to read next. You see your book still on the table that you left in on yesterday. It seemed like he noticed you but didnt look up from his book. "I'm surprised you see you hear so early." You said. You grabbed your book that was set neatly on the table and sat across from him.

He was wearing a heavy green robe with the usual amount of ornante black designs across it. He looked up at you with a bored expression. "I've been in here for most of the night. I couldn't bring myself to sleep so I came in here."He said rubbing his head as if soothing a headache. You now know the expression is not boredom but one of exhaustion. He set is book on the small pile of books next to him, you then realize the large stack of books are the ones he has already read. He must have seen your worried expression because he then offered a smile that is used to mask any concerns. Not the usual smile he would show around company, almost raw and still weak from sleep. "Im sorry for your troubles, I wish I could help." You stated rather than offered, even though you would help if he asked. He looked at you amused. He scanned you before he spoke looking for something in your face. "You seem hide more of yourself than you lead on. I couldn't quite place it in the beginning." You were surprised. You stared at him intently. "I don't quite understand what your leading on about?" You played dumb. "No offense to you in anyway but you were very.. rough when I first met you, but yesterday you show a kindness that- well I've only ever seen in my mother." Which is the only person he has ever known to care about him for him and not what he can do. He was wracking his brain trying to make sense of you. "I do not see a reason to be hostile around you, or anyone in this palace for that matter. I suppose you could call me a kind person that doesn't go around looking for peoples flaws when I have no room to speak."You looked up at him analyzing his face. There was nothing that shows what he felt about your comment. "I could sense the pain in your heart, most everyone at breakfast the other day saw it." You rubbed your arm to comfort yourself. You didn't realize it was that noticeable but then again you should be surprised. You didn't realize how bad of a state you were in until you ended up here. "If i'm being honest, I saw myself in your pain." He stated uncomfortably, adjusting the neck of his robe. "But I truly don't know what events in your life would cause you to do something so drastic." He said genuine concern, but his face said a different story. You can see confusion, hurt, sorrow. It put a bad taste in your mouth to think that you were going to jump off the bridge now that you are sitting in front of the person that has dreamed of meeting you.

"Life have been cruel to me as you would expect anyone to say. I have no family, I don't have anymore friends, and whenever I would try to help it would blow up in my face. I figured that since the world didn't want me, then there was no other favorable option." He looked at you like he was soaking up all you have said. You looked down at your wrist, rereading the phrase that he spoke that fateful night. He must have caught on because his eyes shift down to where you're looking at. "After all this time with you, I haven't even gotten the chance to look at your wrist." You said in means to change the subject. He looked a little hesitant but got up and sat by you. "Only if you allow me to see yours." He said now snapping back to his usual mischievous tone to mask his nervousness.

He walked over and sat down next to you with a tenderness. You were stiff and overly aware that this is the closest and most intimate you have ever been with him. It made a light feeling surge through your chest as someone that you think of highly would do such things. You remember seeing the bratty little boy all those years ago that would look bored standing next to his family at public events. You hesitantly glance up at his face and see the same person looking back at you. His features are still youthful and full of play. He is as young as you are. Not old enough for the throne but old enough to not be treated like a child.

In a stunned silence you realized how still the room was. You delicately took hold of his wrist and see the exact words you said permanently inked on his smooth skin. "If you would allow me, I believe its my turn." You were nervous at first to show him because you didn't know what he would think of the countless marks on your skin. You felt heat radiate off of your face as he took hold of your arm. "oh." He whispered. "Would you like to explain on what happened?" He said in a somewhat worried but still low tone. Gently, he layed his lips on the grooves of your arm as if to heal your pain. You looked him with wide eyes and your face burning bright red. He look completely amused and stayed silent for you to answer. It took you a bit to recover from your speechless state but still keeping your eyes locked on his. You've noticed before that he has quite good-looking but only now have you examined his face so close. You started, "It brought so much pain to think that someone would come and actually be interested in me. I mean. I don't look as good as the people you see everyday." You half-laughed to yourself in an attempt to try and move on from the self loathing comment. "People like me don't usually go with people like you." You corrected. You smiled at him when he was looking at you with a growing amount of pity in his eyes. "Your gorgeous, a God, one of the heir to the throne..." You shyed away from his loose grip on your arm as if his touch was increasingly burning. Reality came flooding back as you felt ashamed that you were even that close to him in the first place. "... I honestly could go on Loki." ,giving a pathetic smile. He perked up when you said his name, you realized it to. You stood and distanced yourself from him. "I'm not the people you are supposed to be with." You said back in a hushed tone.

He stood up and stepped towards you. "What makes you think that just because the way you look determines if I am to like you or not?" He said matter of factly. You let that sit for a moment. "I'm the exact opposite of you Loki. I'm a mess, poor, far undeserving of you, and by Gods, not even half as good looking as you are." You whispered the last part and sunk more into yourself. It hurt more when you heard yourself say it. It almost felt like you were holding it in your throat you. Deep down you know you wanted to say it. You wanted him and everyone else to realized and see what you see.

"It is clear to me that I don't belong with you." You added. He was silent for a moment, taking in all you have told him. "It is true that you and I aren't similar but that doesn't mean that I don't see you for who you are. I can also see is a kind soul that has hurt too much for them to handle." He stepped closer to you. "I may not know what you have gone through but I am no stranger to hurt." You look at his eyes and saw the kind of tired that have been worn down by many years of pain. Your eyes went wide at the expression on his face. You feel guilty in a way for making him feel like this and for even speaking at all. The last thing you wanted is to hurt him or anyone at that. "I apologize Loki. I don't mean to bring up any ill memories." You hold your arm out to comfort him but reconsider. He clutches the bridge of his nose between his fingers and yawns. " You have nothing to apologize for." It seemed that sleep deprivation had made it so you can see this side of them. You wouldn't normally see him so open. You felt grateful to see this side of him, you're sure he will go back to normal tomorrow. A smile formed on your face none the less. "Maybe you should return to your chambers and get some sleep." He looks at you wearily then smirked, his young face shining in the light of the fireplace. "Then I shall join you when it is supper." You nodded. You both parted while heading back your own chambers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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