Bully | ZDH😢

417 7 6

Y/N - 15 years old
Zach - 15 years old
Jack, Corbyn, Jonah, Daniel - 15 years old
Y/N and Zach goes to the same school. Zach is the school bully and Y/N is one of the victims. Enjoy!


Y/N walks into school with her books and homework in her hands. She had her earpiece plugged in, listening to music like any teenager. Suddenly, someone tripped her, causing her to fall and her materials to fall all over the ground. Y/N looked up and there they were, the 5 bullies of the school standing next to her, one being her crush she knew she cannot fall in love with, Zachary Dean Herron.

Ja: Oops I didn't know you were blind to not see my leg there

C: HAHAH I thought she was deaf instead since she always has her earpiece plugged in


D: Get up

Y/N pushed herself up from the ground, scared of worse things they may do to her. Daniel, Corbyn, Jonah and Jack were now standing in front of her, where's Zach? Right... he's behind Y/N. He lightly kicked her at the back of her knees, causing her to fall again but this time, hitting her head hard on the floor. No she's not going to the hospital we don't have time for that now. Y/N let out a loud scream in pain as the boys' laughs slowly took over

Y/N: Why are you doing this to me?!

D: Aw are you upset now

He said as he picked up her homework and tore it into tiny pieces before throwing it at her face. Her mouth hung open in shock and disbelief, not knowing they will go so far to tear her assignment that she took 1 week to finish. Even worse, it's due today...

Y/N: I need to hand in that today!

C: Which is why we tore it


Y/N: shit..

Ja: What was that?

Jack said as he held his fist in the air

Y/N: Nothing...

She said, curling up into a ball to protect herself. Jonah kicked her one more time before leaving for class with the other boys.

Y/N: Why me...

Y/N picked up whatever was left on the floor and headed to class. Thankfully, she didn't have classes with them until the last period. The day went by quickly and it was the last period, the class which the boys are in, also the class that she needed to hand in that assignment to. Y/N rushed in and sat down in an empty seat at the back of the class, hoping the boys would just leave her alone for the day. Obviously it doesn't happen. Zach came to sit next to her and the boys sat in the seats surrounded that table.

Y/N: You've done enough to me today, is it not enough

C: Nah we're never done with you

Teacher: Good afternoon class, stop talking and take our your assignment I gave a week ago, if you didn't do it, stand up!

She definitely wasn't in a good mood. Y/N hesitantly stood up and looked down, avoiding eye contact from her teacher.

T: Y/N! Is 1 week not enough time for you?!

Y/N: I did it but Zach-

T: No don't give me excuses. I don't wanna hear it. detention for you, sit down

Oh I forgot to mention that the boys are the teachers' teacher pets, so any teacher wouldn't believe they did anything wrong.

Y/N was about to sit down when she felt nothing under her except air. And she fell again... She turned to see Zach holding the chair and the boys trying to not laugh.

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