Cheating | DJS😢

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Y/N - 25 Years old
Daniel - 27 Years old

On Y/N and Daniel's 3 year anniversary, Daniel forgot about their special day and went out to party. That lead to things he wished he didn't do as he lost the love of his life. Y/N then left, Daniel was broken and regretting everything he did which led to suicide...


I'm at home waiting for my boyfriend to come home to celebrate our 3 years anniversary. Every year, we bring each other out for a fancy dinner but before that, we would go out to hang out and talk about plans of our future, except this year... He left home early in the morning and texted me that he was going out to meet his bandmates so I didn't want to bother him. But after a few hours I found it suspicious as he's never left for so long on our special day. It was getting nearer to dinner time when I was completely convinced that he forgot about our anniversary and I went up to my room. I grabbed my phone and checked his location: a random address??

I took my car keys and dashed out the door, curious to know where he has gone to at this time... The drive felt so short even though it was 20 mins and soon I was standing right outside the door of a big mansion with a lot of shouting and cheering going on inside. You could literally smell all the alcohol from a mile away and I'm already disappointed at Daniel since he promised me that he will not drink until he turns 21. I took a deep breath and walked in since the door was half open. The unpleasant sight of drunk teens dancing around on each other was all I saw before my attention went to the blonde guy that I fell in love with 3 years ago. He was clearly drunk and dancing on other girls. I broke down on the spot watching him from a distance, shocked. How could he?! He grabbed another girl's jaw to kiss her when I stomped up to him and gave him a huge and loud slap on the cheek.


D: Oh shush it isn't that big of a deal, come join me, we'll have a lot of fun

He was walking closer to me to grab my wrist when I twisted it the other way and slapped him once again. It hurt me so much but I knew I couldn't show him that I was about to breakdown on that spot. That slap seemed to wake him up though...

D: OMG I'M SO SORRY BABE, I really didn't mean to forget about our anniversary

Y/N: JUST SHUT UP! I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOUR EXCUSES. Forgetting our anniversary is one thing. Going to a party to get drunk and cheat on me is another thing. Both are wrong and you should know that and accept that you have lost me.

D: No please no. I cant live without you

Y/N: Oh is that so, wake the hell up. It's reality, not your dreams. I will not forgive you just like that because you are begging for it.

D: Please Y/N, give me one more chance, I wont do it again.

Y/N: No! I'm leaving you and that's the end of the argument. BYE! Go and have a good life with other girls u cheat on me with.

D: No please Y/N, don't leave me...

I stomped back out of the mansion ignoring all the stares and glares from the teens for ruining the party's vibe. With tears streaming down my cheeks that have become hot, I rushed into my car and slammed the car door. I heard banging on my window so I looked up only to meet a pair of ocean eyes filled with tears and regret. Half of me wanted to open the door and hug him as tight as I could and never let go. But the other side convinces me to stay strong and just drive away, so I did. I drove and drove, seeing his figure slowly fade away in the mirror as I broke down.


Y/N drove home and took out her luggage to pack everything she owned. She quickly gathered everything and wrote a last note for Daniel: I'm sorry I left but I really couldn't take the pain and I don't want to know what you've been doing for how long. I want to restart my life so don't worry about where I am, I'll be somewhere far away. I still love you... -Y/N

She left the note on the counter of the entrance and left with all her things to the airport before Daniel came home.


Why did I do that? I'm so stupid... I better get home and explain myself, I cant lose her. I called a taxi and went home but when I reached, the lights inside were all off. I entered the front door and saw a note from Y/N. This isn't going to go well... I didn't have time to read the note so I put it in my pocket and ran to our room only to see a half empty room filled with my things. Y/N's belongings were no where to be seen, that's when I took out the note and saw what she wrote. I instantly felt so empty, I dropped the note and fell to my knees, not sure what happened and what to do.

What have I done... She left you in pain you monster! I cant live without her... I really cant, I know I cant.

Now im standing on a stool, with a rope around my neck, attached to the ceiling, ready to walk through the gates of heaven.

We'll meet in heaven one day Y/N, once again sorry for cheating...

The end...

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word count: 1007

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