Everyone looked at Keeley like she was crazy."You know him?" Shane asked, "Yeah I know him." Keeley answered as she didn't take her eyes off Randal. "He was my brother's best friend."
Rick and Glenn had moved Randal into the shed so Hershel could work on his leg.
Everyone else all went inside, talking about the situation. Rick and Hershel decided that they would keep him in the shed for a week until his leg was better and then they'd send him off, but Shane didn't like the idea. He hated it, he tried to argue about it but Hershel put him in his place.
"Let me make this perfectly clear, once and for all this is my farm. Now I wanted you gone. Rick talked me out of it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. So do us both a favor- keep your mouth shut."
Keeley wanted to stand up and clap and cheer for Hershel but she knew she would've gotten scolded by Rick and Lori, so she sat in her seat until everyone left except for Rick and Hershel.
She walked up to them and hoped they wouldn't say no. "What's the matter, Keeley, " Rick asked as he tried not to get frustrated with the way Shane was acting. "Do you think I can talk to Randy... I mean Randall. There's some stuff I want to ask him." Rick took a breath before answering. "Yeah, let me get Shane and then all three of us can ask him some questions."
"I would feel more comfortable if Shane didn't come with us. How about Daryl? I trust him more than I trust Shane. " He gave her a small smile. "Alright, I'll come to get you when I find Daryl but in the mean time do not go anywhere near that shed. Do you understand me?" Keeley nodded her head as he started walking away.
She turned around to see Hershel sitting in a chair. "Hershel, can I ask you something?" Keeley asked as she sat in a chair across from him. "What is it?"
Here goes nothing,
"Do you think you can teach me medicine? I've always wanted to become a doctor after college, but things became complicated. I wanted to help people and I believe I still can with your help. I want to learn from you, Hershel. You saved my life-" He cut Keeley off by placing his hand on top of hers.
"I was going to say yes, but you kept on rambling and rambling. I think that would be a perfect idea." She smiled at him as he got up. "But we will start tomorrow. I'm exhausted and I want to check in Beth. I'll see you tomorrow."
Beth... She had forgotten about Beth. She's been so preoccupied with her brother and everything that's been happening around her she forgot about the person who knew exactly what she was going through. Keeley made a promise to go check up on Beth after she spoke to Randal, she needed to see him, to talk to him.
Hoping he could explain everything to her...
The time had come for Keeley to see Randal. Rick and Daryl were hesitant at first, but she knew they trusted her.
When she first entered the shed, it was dark. The only light source was from a gap in the broken roof, Randal was sitting on the floor with the blindfold still on as his hands were restrained. Keeley sat in front of him while Rick and Daryl were on her left and right, watching over protectively.
Keeley first tried taking the blindfold off but he got scared. He moved back against the wall trying to escape her reach. "What do you want from me?" Randal cried out.

𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 𝕃𝕚𝕟𝕖 -𝕋𝕎𝔻 {𝟙}
Action{FINISHED} The last thing Keeley Salazar could remember was her parents arguing in the car before they crashed. Now three years have passed and a lot has changed. She's no longer seventeen, but now on the verge of turning twenty years old. Oh, and...