The last thing Keeley Salazar could remember was her parents arguing in the car before they crashed. Now three years have passed and a lot has changed. She's no longer seventeen, but now on the verge of turning twenty years old. Oh, and...
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Hershel had started to get better.
His breathing was fine, he had no shortness of breath, there was no infection, and his wound had fully healed.
Rick, Daryl, Carol, T, and Keeley had finally started bringing the card inside the gate. While the others were inside.
Carol had just finished bringing the truck inside the fences.
"Okay, let's get the other car in. We'll park'em in the west entry of the yard."
"Good. Our vehicles camped out there look like a giant "vacancy" sign." Daryl added. "After that, we need to load up these corpses so we can burn them." Rick continued.
"Gonna be a long day," T-Dog said.
"Wheres Glenn and Maggie?" Keeley asked. "We could use some help, " Carol chimed. "Up in the guard tower."
"Guard tower? They were just up there last night." Rick said bewildered.
"Glenn! Maggie!
They could see someone sit right up through the glass as another person opened the door. "Hey, what's up guys?" Glenn asked as he fumbled with the zipper on his pants. A few laughs came out of the group as Daryl began teasing them, "You coming?"
"You coming?"
Poor Glenn had a confused look on his face as he looked back to Maggie, "Come on, we could use a hand." Daryl told the both of them.
They both went back inside as the others started making their back to the cars when T-Dog caught everyone's attention.
"Hey, Rick."
They turned around to see Oscar and Axel leaving their cell block. "Carol, stay here with Keeley, T, Daryl come with me." The men started walking up the hill with their hands on their guns.
"I... I'm not even gonna say anything."
"That's a first," Carol mumbled.
Daryl had locked the prisoners in the main gate, while the others discussed their fate.
"Are you serious? You want them living in a cell next to you?" Rick asked T-Dog. "They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. You want to go back to sleeping with one eye open.?"
"I never stopped. Bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves." T argued.
"I don't know."Glenn started, "Axel seems a little unstable."
"Aren't we all, " Keeley added
"After all we've been through? We fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?"