Chapter six

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"Impressive. You defeated Jungkook at such a young age. I am glad that a talent like you is with us." Queen said as she addressed Khushi in front of the crowd.

Khushi bowed in front of her. "Thank you Queen." She said.

Namjoon stood beside his mother and watched Khushi, standing. Jungkook stood beside Khushi, head lowered as he didn't like that lost.

"Since, how long you haven't had human blood?" Queen asked her.

Khushi paused for a while. "It's been very long. I had it when I was young."

Young vampires were given human blood as food, to grow and after that they are slowly moved to the diet of animal blood.

Queen smiled and called her maid and said something in her ear. After a while the maid came with a bottle of wine, wrapped in a ribbon.

"I award you with a bottle of human blood for winning this match. Your training in India will help our vampires." She said and the maid handed Khushi the wine bottle which actually had human blood.

The crowd clapped as Khushi received the bottle. "It's an honour." She said.

"She will train our Vampires, despite her young age. It was great way of portraying her power to the clan, thanks to son who arranged this. Now we shall get the food!"

Khushi returned the bottle as the ceremony was yet to end and she would take it with her when it's over.

She was sent into a room to freshen up. She examined the bruises and small cuts on her body and face. Not that it's a worry, as she is a vampire, her wounds will be healed.

The small cuts were already healing so it's not a problem, she would be healed completely by tomorrow. She freshened up and put on that red dress again, her hair again fell down.

She again went out, where the buffet was set up and everyone were having their food. She took a plate and went to take some food.

It's not like Vampires couldn't have food. But they cannot only survive on it. They needed blood as it was essential for survival. Their evolvement allows them to extract nutrients from food as well. But blood is like water to them, and they can't live without it.

Khushi searched around to take food according to her choice.

"You fight nicely." Someone said to her and she looked back.

There stood Jungkook with a plate in his hands a he was also taking food.

"Thanks. You too. It was a good match." She appreciated and took the food items she wanted.

They both headed to a table and sat together. "You are young but your skills are nice. Can you also teach me that acupuncture?" Jungkook asked eagerly.

Khushi smiled. Now, people were not taking her for granted. It was good thing to know. "For sure, I can."

Jungkook took a bite of his food. "I still can't believe I lost to a small kid." Jungkook commented.

"Body sizr is just a appearance and age is just a number, Jungkook. After training you might defeat me. You fight tactically." She said.

"And your punches are too powerful." He said and rubbed his jaw, where you punched.

"Not like it's a bother, you will heal by tomorrow." Khushi said and devoured her food.

"You have proved many things here, you might also have mission starting tomorrow."


"Call me frequently. I can't believe that we will be barely meeting now." Liz said she hugged Alya.

"Me too." She said and handed some Money to Liz. "This is my share of rent of this month. Sorry, I couldn't help to find a roommate, I didn't know that I would only be here for mere hours." Alya apologized.

"Couldn't even plan a good farewell 'cause of that. Open my gift, once you reach home, okay? Now go take the flight." Liz said and hugged her one last time, before bidding farewells.

She went back, and took a cab to her apartment. She had so much to do. Thank God that she completed the notes she borrowed from Jungkook. But now she needed to find a roommate.

She looked at her watch to see the time. It's past six in the evening, and it was dark. She was thinking of posting an advertisement about giving a room in her apartment talking to the landlord today.

She reached to her apartment building and paid to the cab driver. She directly went to the landlord's room. The man opened the door.

He invited her inside and she went and sat on his sofa. "What's the matter?" He asked.

Liz gave money to him,"Sir, the rent for my room. I wanted to say that my roommate left and I need get another roommate to pay the half rent. May I post an advertisement about the room to get a roommate?" She asked.

The man smiled. "You don't need to worry, your roommate already told me about her departure and I have got a roommate for you. She will be here by tomorrow." He said and she sighed in relief.

He pursed his lips. "I also need to tell you that she is very young and her parents asked me to arrange a place for her. I trust you that's why I am giving a room for her with you. She will be paying the rent so don't worry." He explained.

Liz raised her brows as she did not need to know the details about whoever is going to be her roommate, unless she is going to pay the rent.

"Thank you sir, I will leave now." She said and left his room and went to her apartment.

It was Monday tomorrow, she had to prepare for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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