Writer's Block

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Having writer's block? There are three easy steps to overcoming this obstacle.

1. Diagnose the problem. Find out why you are having writer's block? Is it because that blank page in front of you is realllllly intimidating? Or it is because your not writing in YOUR OWN style. These, I find are two major reasons for having writer's block.

2. Find a solution for whichever problem you're having.

Don't spend too long trying to find an idea for that scary new sentence. Get up, go for a walk, drink a tea. Chances are, if you don't stress about it and you give your genius brain a rest, you'll come up with something brilliant when you least expect it.

If it's because you're scared of that first sentence and how the story is going to turn out, don't be. Calm yourself down (haha) and stare it straight in the face. Encourage yourself. You can do this. No one is going to see the first draft. Your first draft can be as horrid as you please! As long as you go back and edit it! :D Just start your story, get it out there.

If the reason for your writer's block is not because of the first reason, it's probably the second. Not writing in your own style can be irksome. For me, I find there are two types of writers, really. The Pantsers, and the Plotters. Now, the Pantsers (and no, it's not something really dirty and gross) just sit down and start their story. They fly by the seat of their pants, without planning anything out. The Plotters, on the other hand, sit down and - well - plot! They work out all the details to their stories, they write it all down organised-like, and they go from there. If you're a Plotter and you're trying to be a Pantser, or vice versa, that might be a reason for your writer's block.

And finally, if the reason for your writers block is just because you can't, no matter what, find what to write because you've been doing nothing but writing, take a break. Draining yourself isn't good for your health or creativity, so get a breath of fresh air and embrace the feeling of rest.

Hope this helped :)

Note - we will be posting more as well, so stay tuned:) I don't feel like bothering you (non-existent) readers with an author's note today, so just have a great one and we'll update ASAP!

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