Said is Dead

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Remember... if you need help with your book or want us to write a specific chapter for this book to aid your writing... leave us a comment or PM us whenever and we will do the best we can to help. Thank you.

Said is dead. Said is boring. Said is annoying. No writer should like said. If you do... well... than I can't help you... But you guys can all help us. Let's make this a bit of a game. If you find another word we can use instead of said... comment and we'll add it to our list. Try to find the most creative way to replace said. You up for it?

Here are just some helpful words that you can use instead of said:


Said makes even the greatest writer seem unintelligible. The more creative the word... The better! Imagine a world where every single time someone talked, said would follow.

"Hello," she said.
"Hi," He said.
"My teacher gave us homework tonight," she said.
"That sucks. I hate homework," he said.

Even the simplest sentence can be made more interesting.

"Hello," she greeted cheerfully.
"Hi," He answered, just as cheery .
"My teacher gave us homework tonight," she groaned.
"That sucks. I hate homework," he replied sympathetically.

Anyways... Please comment if you have any more words you want to add to the list.

Basically, our point is...


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