Chapter 51

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~~~A N O T H E R T I M E S K I P-- M A J O R T I M E S K I P~~~

Fresh and PJ were walking together, hand in hand. It was around 9 at night, so the moon was out. It was a crescent moon, it shined bright along with the stars. 

"PJ, where are you taking me?" Fresh asked, giggling. PJ smiled. "A place we haven't been in 6 years," PJ said. "When we first started dating?" Fresh asked. "Yeah," PJ said. He pulled Fresh a bit faster as Fresh giggled a little more. 

"PJ, seriously, where are we..." Fresh trailed off when he saw a different set of scenery. 
It was a lake they haven't been to since they were both teenagers. 

It was by Fresh's old apartment he lived in with his mom, little brother, and his stepdad.

Fresh took his hand away from PJ as he felt his heartbeat beat quicker. 
"PJ...! I remember everything we did here!" Fresh said happily. He ran closer to the lake as PJ followed, laughing. 

Fresh looked at the lake and whipped around, looking up at PJ. 

"This is where we had our first kiss...!" Fresh said happily. PJ merely smiled. "When I got a good look at your eyes. Did you know they always shined brighter at night?" PJ said as Fresh blushed. "After 6 years of dating, you still never fail to make me happy and blush," Fresh said as PJ smiled. 

PJ grabbed both of Fresh's handed, yanking him closer. He pulled Fresh into a hug. Fresh hugged PJ back, under his arms. 
The two slightly rocked side to side, slowly. 

It was just... peaceful. 

"Fresh... I um... can we talk, about somethin'?" PJ asked. Fresh looked up from PJ's chest. "Yessum?" Fresh asked. PJ kissed Fresh on the forehead.

PJ backed away from Fresh then hugged himself. 
He worried Fresh. 

"PJ? About what? What's wrong?" Fresh asked. "Nothing bad. I'm not breaking up with you," PJ said, laughing a bit. Fresh smiled with relief. "Okay, talk to me," Fresh said. 

PJ took a deep breath and sighed. 

"Can I say it in French? It'll be more romantic..." PJ said softly. Fresh smiled. 

With all the years Fresh and PJ were together, Fresh had learned three languages; German, since he is part German, Japanese, because he loves anime-- well, PJ too, and French because it's the language PJ is best at. 
Fresh was pretty fluent in it, he could understand conversations, but not when they go too quickly. 

"Fresh, puisque nous sommes ensemble, tout autour de moi s'éclaircit ... Mes jours de tristesse disparaissent, et mon bonheur ne s'arrête jamais. Tu es l'être le plus parfait, mon amour, et je t'aime plus que tout. Je veux te faire plaisir et être avec toi chaque minute de chaque jour.

Quand nous nous sommes rencontrés pour la première fois, je pensais que nous n'allions nulle part, mais quand nous sommes arrivés à ce lac et vous avons regardé dans les yeux, j'ai pu voir notre avenir commun. Une famille, ton sourire, ton rire.Mon amour, je veux juste être là pour toi, être l'épaule sur laquelle tu pleures, celle vers laquelle tu cours quand tu as peur, celle qui te tient quand tu as besoin de quelqu'un de fort, celle qui te rend heureuse.

Alors, je dois demander ... Veux-tu m'épouser?" PJ asked softly, getting on one knee. By each sentence, Fresh teared up and blushed deeply. He noticed PJ was holding a rare ring. It was made out of pure diamond. 

((OK, go to google images and search "world's first all diamond ring"))

Translation: "Fresh, since we are together, everything around me clears up ... My days of sadness disappear, and my happiness never stops. You are the most perfect being, my love, and I love you more than anything. I want to please you and be with you every minute of every day. When we first met, I thought we were going nowhere, but when we got to this lake and looked you in the eye, I could see our common future. A family, your smile, your laugh. My love, I just wanna be there for you, be the shoulder you cry on, the one you run to when you're scared, the one that holds you when you need someone strong, the one that makes you happy. 

So, I have to ask ... Will you marry me?"

Fresh hugged PJ, tackling him to the ground. 

"Oui bien sûr! C'est oui! Oui! Définitivement oui!!" Fresh said, hugging PJ into his chest. PJ blushed as he closed his eyes with a soft sigh of relief. PJ hugged Fresh back as Fresh giggled. 

Fresh cupped PJ's cheeks, slightly backing away from PJ. Fresh kissed PJ on the lips. 

PJ smiled. He grabbed Fresh's left hand as Fresh sat up, straddling PJ. PJ slipped the ring on Fresh then Fresh looked at it. 

"Oh, baby! You didn't have to!" Fresh squealed as he stared at the ring. PJ smiled. "Ah! I'm telling Alphys!" Fresh quietly screamed as he stood up. 
PJ sat up, he pulled Fresh back on the ground, getting Fresh's attention off the ring. 

PJ cupped Fresh's cheek as Fresh looked at him. 
"I love you," PJ said. "I love you too," Fresh said. 

PJ noticed a look in his eyes. 

"What's the matter?" PJ asked. "Will... Will you love me forever?" Fresh asked. PJ smiled. "Forever, and even after that," PJ said. Fresh smiled with relief. He scooted close to PJ. 

"Je t'aimerai pour toujours, après la fin des temps, après la fin de nos vies...! Je ne cesserai jamais de t'aimer, mon amour...!" Fresh said, making PJ blush.
"I will love you forever, after the end of time, after the end of our lives...! I will never stop loving you, my love...!"

PJ laughed a bit. 

PJ held his hand out, holding his pinkie up. Fresh grabbed PJ's pinkie with his own pinkie. 

"Forever?" PJ asked. "Forever," Fresh said softly. 

PJ kissed Fresh's pinkie, then Fresh kissed PJ's. 

And from that day on, the two lived on together. 
Yes, they had ups and downs, but they always carried on with love for each other. 

And that, my sons, is the legend... the legend of Dom! Nerd! PaperJam and Sub! Jock! Fresh, the most powerful couple to ever roam the NaJ AU. 

The End.

Dom, Nerd PJ X Sub, Jock Fresh | Will you love me forever?Where stories live. Discover now