Spinel x Gem! Reader part 2

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Your eyes see the most beautiful pink gem you ever saw.

You stared at the beauty in front of you, you sear she was the most beautiful thing you ever laid your eyes on. And you have seen some things. "Hey doll, you okay?" This snapped you out of your daze. "Y-yeah I'm fine" "Well then" Steven said, "why don't we head to fun land arcade"? (I was gonna say the beach but we are literally already at the beach.) "Sure" you and Spinel said at the same time. You blushed and Spinel giggled.

~Time skip~
You were all having a great time at Fun Land Arcade. You played a ton of games and went on lots of rides. You won a huge (and I do mean HUGE) plushie from winning a game. And Steven got some stuff from the tickets he won. Of course you did this all in between showing your new CRUSH how things worked. "Hey guys, why don't we watch the sunset 🌅 together?" Steven suggested. You and Spinel agreed, after a day of running around relaxing sounded like a good idea. So you all laid on the grass and focused your eyes on the sunset. "Hey y/n, you never told us about the gem on your forehead". "Oh, that" you said. "Well, it's a princess amber gem, and I can summon daggers from it". You quickly demonstrated. "WOW that is so cool!" Spinel exclaimed. "Wow, thanks" you said shyly. You three spent the remainder of the day looking at the sunset and returned to Steven's house when the sun set.

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