You Asshole.

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"How many times do I have to embarrass myself crying in front of you before you get it through your stupid head that I care about you?" I asked burying my head in the crook of his neck crying harder.
"I-I'm sorry I just thought-" he stuttered.
"-Stop thinking you fool" I cried hugging him harder like that for a minute or two.
"Activating facial cooling system" Delilah said loud as can be through my mask that was still on his face.
I stopped my crying after hearing that. We were silence for a second but I couldn't help but giggle a little.. He's blushing under there? I didn't even do anything to deserve it...
"Shut up, Delilah, ugh..." He sighed throwing his head back in embarrassment. I continued my little giggles as I let him go and stepped back a little ways.
"Activating cooling system" she said out loud again... this time from my leg...
"Pfft..." he chuckled covering where his mouth would be on my mask like a little kid.
"Shut up, dork. She said it to you first!" I slammed the palm of my hand onto his forehead and made him tumble a few steps backwards. He still continued to laugh... So I buzzed his toes.
"Ow- Okay, sorry!" He laughed jumping around.
"Let's go already before that guy gets away.. I've got a bone to pick" I smiled and held out my hand to him. He took a strong, warm, hold on mine then we swung away together with smiles filling both our faces a he filled me in on what was happening.


Your POV

So basically Spider-Man has been chasing this guy named 'The Vulture' for a while because he's been selling these crazy weapons to criminals. Dad claims he's got it but now it's clear that he doesn't so here's where the Spider heros come in.
We figured out that he's trying to break onto the moving plane at the tower. We dont know how he's gonna do it though.

"Okay, do a sling shot right for the tower as hard as you can!" He told me sticking out his hand.
"Finally you have a good idea" I punched him in the arm remembering how he tied me up earlier but grabbed his hand anyway.
"Ow, I'm sorry! I wont leave you again!" He chuckled griping his arm in pain.
"Fine.. But I got a new way to sling shot and as punishment you get to test it out first" I smirked.
"Oh no...." he muttered as I shot two webs around a mile apart to some taller buildings. Then a made a little seat for comfort.
"Sir, I'm gonna need you to take your seat" I grinned pointing to the 'chair'.
He gave me a look that basically read 'I dont wanna die yet'.
"Okay.... but here, you need this" he walked in front of where I was holding the sling shot and put his hands on my face. "Close your eyes" he told me.
W-Wait, what's he gonna do? U-Um-
"W-What?" I asked just barely above a whisper with a confused face.
"Activating cooling system" Delilah said only loud enough for me to hear.
I looked down at my leg angry, which made Spider-Man realize why I was so hesitant.
"N-Not that-" he pulled his hands away and held them up next to his head.
"Oh-" I looked off to the side awkward laughing.
"I-it's for your mask" he stuttered turning his head somewhere else.
"Oooooh...." I looked back to him. Yeah, that makes sense.
"Yeaaaah" he snickered as i rolled my eyes. I shut my eyes while me made me a really sloppy mask.
"Thanks, in the hair and everything too, no ones gonna know its me" I gave him a thumbs up. He tried to say sorry but I let go of the sling shot with a smirk.
"You deserve that for getting it in my hair!" I ripped out the webs from my hair and face then made a better one before going after him. This is totally messing up my hair and makeup by the way. Why cant a girl just look hot while catching villains? I dont know.
"WITHOUT A WARNING? SERIOUSLY! I DID LIKE 14 FLIPS!" He shouted angrily as I caught up to him.
"AHAHA! THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR MAKING ME RIP OUT THE WEBS IN MY HAIR!" I laughed bumping him to the side as we swung to the tower that's now in sight. I pulled out my phone and called dad.. but no answer.
"Who are you calling?" He shouted over the wind.
"My dad but hes not answering!" I yelled wanting to throw my phone away.
"I already tried Happy! He didnt believe me!".
Both of them?! Dad said he had this guy after he basically fired Spider-Man so why the hell are we doing this?!
"Then we've got to high jack the high jaker!" He shouted back with a little laugh. He's probably proud of that sentence or something.

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