Senku Ishigami X Reader

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"Hey Y/N"

She waved her chopsticks at Gen as he took a seat beside her, his ramen in hand as he glimpsed between his upcoming meal and the woman seated beside him. Y/N had been an old school friend of Tsukaka's, the girl he had always had his eye on to be exact, however when he had revived her and told him what he was planning, she had quickly come to diagnose him as a psychopath, but played along up until she was paired with Gen for reconnaissance. He saw through her act almost immediately when she hesitated for just a moment to give Tsukasa a simple peck on the cheek the first time they had left together to scout. He had told her about Senku, and gaugued her interest before bringing her to meet the scientist, where she promptly pledged herself to help topple the Kingdom of Might. Now here they were, 6 months later, both convinced they were fighting for the right side.Y/N glanced to the side as Senku conversed with Kaseki, the elder leading him towards the glass furnace. Y/N's eyes trailed over the scientist carefully before falling back into her bowl, her chopsticks swirling the meat around carefully.

"I saw that."

"Why I have no idea what youre talking about."

Gen kept his eyes on his bowl as she did her own before he chuckled softly under his breath.

"Oh but I think you do. It's funny how distant you were from Tsukasa, but you spend every moment you're anywhere near Senku eye fucking him."

Y/N chuckled under her breath, pulling a chunk of meat free from the bowl and slipping it past her lips.

"I have a type I suppose, and Senku fits in with it very well."

Gen hummed and glanced towards the scientist who was carrying something towards the laboratory, he himself wasn't sure why a woman like her would be attracted to a man like him. 'Out of his league' was the phrase he would have used to describe the two together, but who was he to judge? The pussy wants what the pussy wants, and he understood that.

Senku picked up the formula in the beaker, rubbing his chin in thought as he swirled the liquid carefully.

"Senku! There you are!"

Senku kept his eyes on his work as Gen entered into the laboratory, having long since finished his meal and bid farewell to Y/N to carry out a few setting her up to get laid. Setting his beaker down Senku turned to face Gen, the mentalist folding his hands into his sleeves and smiling at him.


Gen cocked his head before shaking it softly.

"Oh I was just wondering if you had the chance to talk with Y/N yet?"

Senku stiffened noticeably, Gen chuckling at his obvious discomfort at the mention of the womans name. It was obvious that the scientist had eyes for her. While most of the villagers remained unaware, Y/N knew, as did Gen, besides Senku wasnt doing a very good job of hiding it with the way he would turn tail and run from her everytime she got within 10 feet, that ever so faint blush stretching across his pale cheeks. The mentalist had approached him a few days ago, pressing Senku to make his urges known, but he had yet to find the determination to do so. He had never really found himself overly attracted to anyone before, not before Y/N had come along, he wanted her for every reason, but couldn't help but feel almost intimidated by the idea of actually having her. While he knew the scientific stance behind it, he had zero experience in even kissing a woman, never mind satisfying one. Gen watched that same delightfully innocent hue work its way up Senku's neck, staining both his cheeks and his ears.

"I haven't seen her."

It was a lie, of course he had seen her, he was always watching for her, whether he wanted to or not. Gen hummed and nodded before gesturing out into the night.

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