Senku Ishigami X Reader Part 2

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It was driving Senku to madness. Everytime he stole a glance she wasn't glancing back. He just couldn't stop himself from thinking about that night, every intoxicating moment of it just seemed to play and replay in his mind, and then he would see her, hear her, be close to her and his body would tense all at once, he wanted more, and he wanted it sooner rather than later.

It was proving a difficult task to even speak to her alone though, they were so busy with their latest development, not to mention keeping the village running, and when the tasks for the day were completed she never seemed to be alone. She was with Gen who often whispered to her and they would snigger together, she was with Ginro who would trail after her, love struck as he had been from the moment he laid his eyes on her, or she was with Kaseki, mesmerized by his skills in the delicate art of glass blowing. A frown tugged on Senku's lips as slipped some grilled fish past his lips, why was it every other guy seemed to know how to get her attention? The thought crossed his mind briefly that he may not have been the first to receive a 'special visit' from her, a thought which caused his brow to narrow and his frown to deepen. It didn't take much of his genius level intellect to come to the conclusion that he was jealous of even just the thought. If he could just get the chance he could make her feel as good as she made him feel. He would prove that he was the one deserving of her because he could make her feel the same way. He thought. Senku had never actually tried to please a woman. He knew the premise and he knew biology, it was just a matter of putting fact and feel together...

"Hey Senku!"

Senku's thoughts were cut short as Suika took a seat beside him, smiling up at him widely and biting into her food. The scientist inhaled deeply and greeted her before his eyes flashed over to Y/N where she sat with Ruri, the pair giggling as they spoke quietly. He had to do something about this.

Hours passed by. Senku took note when Y/N disappeared from the fireside, shortly followed by Suika and then Ruri before he had stood from his spot and returned to his laboratory. Chrome had mentioned that he seemed quiet, but he waved it off, blaming his silence on his contentedly full stomach before continuing his work. It was easier not to think about her while he was focusing on a task, and he found the relief so welcomed that he worked on much longer than he would most nights, he was only refining plants extracts to make a few basic medicines, but it was work to focus on nonetheless. Chrome retired for the evening, leaving him alone with his work into the late hours of the night on his own, his recently buzzing mind at ease. Eventually the call of nature roused him from his concentration and he set his beaker aside carefully before exiting the lab, when you have to go, you have to go.

Y/N hummed to herself quietly as she made her way back to the Kingdom of Science from the village. She and Suika had been out a little longer than planned after dinner, flower picking to gather more night jasmine as they bloomed beneath the moonlight. They were a discovery the pair had made while out walking late one night, and after bringing one back to camp Senku had told them of what it was, and of their antiseptic and antifungal properties. In light of their uses the pair made trips out every few weeks to gather more, their very own girls trips which they both enjoyed so much. Y/N had already taken the young girl back to the village and apologised that they had stayed out so much later than usual, and now made her way back towards the Kingdom of Science's main area. She would drop the flowers off into their storage pots in the lab and retire for the evening into her small hut, hopefully without disturbing Gen, who would likely have been asleep hours ago. Entering into the laboratory her eyes scanned the area slowly, finding it devoid of life. It would be safe to say this was normal for this time of night, if not for the small contained fire and beaker set up still bubbling away. After setting the fresh blooms down at the back she approached the apparatus cautiously, her fingers tapping against the last beaker where a thick substance was gathering, likely the end result. Senku sighed to himself as he made his way back towards the lab, running his hand over the back of his aching neck, he knew he really should call it a night soon. His thoughts halted and his feet followed when he gazed ahead into the lab, his eyes landing on Y/N standing infront of his apparatus, her form illuminated in the orange glow of the flickering fire set to heat the area. His lips pulled together tightly and his mouth grew dry, his fingers forming into light fists at his sides. This was it, his chance. It was take it now or leave it forever, and his mind was firmly made up.

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