Chapter 18 ~ Shooting In The Gym

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Chapter 18: Shooting in The gym

~ besides the whole break down from my perfect party it ended up great still! We had to leave from Chicago to go to another one of Daniels games, we were now in Tenaseene. Daniel and my mom went out with the boys before the big game so I just sat in the tour bus for a while. I had gotten bored so I went to go check out the stadium before the game

- I had my jersey and new watch. I was listing to my uncle tyrese new song Too Easy! To bad he couldn't make it to my party! :( But he was doing big things he had a premiere to go to and he still had movie interviews about transformers that he had to attend to but he said he would do something for me when he find the time! Speaking of video making. Well be heading off to California soon! Moms shooting her new song enough of no love with my otha close uncle WIZZEY . He came to the party with his daughter

Me: just pulled up to the club. Hummm.. (*the door was open so i walked inside I head a ball being bounced so I peeked my head into the gym and saw Justin shooting and he was makin it 0.0, I walked in and sat my bag down he didn't notice me, I grabbed a ball an threw it to the hoop as his was going in, it knocked his ball out and he turned and looked at me*)

Justin: oh hey (*he ran for his ball and grabbed mine to*)

Me: hey didn't know you would be here?

Justin: (*threw me the ball*) didn't know you would come

Me: yea well the parents left me do got bored

Justin: yea?*threw the ball in the hoop* me to *it went in*

Me: so I see you got some skills

Justin: well you know I'm tryin, wanna be like my dad you know?

*he shot again and made it*

Me: yea? Well that shouldn't be hard (*i threw the ball but it missed*)

Justin: why you say that? (*he looked at me I could tell he has been prancing for a while he was sweating*)

Me: cuz I don't know I mean look who your dad is who wouldnt come knocking at your door offering you scholarships?

Justin: yea but I wanna them in my own way not cuz of my dad! (*he shot the ball*)

Me: why by the looks of it (*watch the ball go in*) that shouldn't be hard to prove

Justin: (*stopped and looked at me for a while the shot the ball again*) thanks

Me: no problem

Justin: so what about you?

Me: what you mean?

Justin: which side you taking the play for? Moms or the side pops? (*he shot the ball again*)

Me: umm I don't know kinda want to go my own way

Justin: which is?

Me: I don't know?

Justin: yea well me too. I just have a thing for basketball you know so maybe this is my path. (*shot the ball*) in my own way

Me: yea (.__.)

Justin: it's ok if you don't know yet! Don't stress your self out about it. :)

Me: :) yea

Justin: but do you like to sing?

Me: yea I made one song but..,

Justin: but Whaa?

Me: I don't I'm putting a hold on it right now

Justin: ohh (*he shot the ball the he grabbed a towel and wiped his face*) well I think I'm done here

Me: that quick?

Justin: girl I've been practicing all day! Let me see you shoot then

Me: (*i walked up to him and too the ball out his hands*) fine (*i went to the 2 point like and shot the ball it missed and Justin started cracking up*) ohh shut up

Justin: (*sat on the floor*) ok ok the rims are a bit different do I won't judge!

Me: hmp (*i turned back to the rim and shot again but miss I tried again but the same results happen*)

Justin: ok ok I'm sorry I can't jus sit here and watch you continue to fail like this! Let me help you (*he stood up and came behind me*) now you wanna bend your knees and since your kinda short you might have to jump a little then bring your arms out like this (*he lifted my arms up*) and it should go in! (*i did what he said and the ball went in*) see there you go

Me: thanks :)

Justin: (*grabbed his things and I got mine*) ummm (*puts his phone away*) imma go to the locker rooms and change

Me: ohh ok

Justin: well umm you can come if you want?

Me: uhhh

Justin: it's cool let's go! (*he grabbed my arm and pulled me to the entrance to the locker room, we walked into the boys*) unm don't mind all the boy thing lol (*he turned around to look a me*) lol

Me: what? (*i had my hands over my eyes and my nose plug*)

Justin: (*took my hands away*) it's ok lol and it doesn't smell

Me: (*i let out a deep breath*) ok

Justin: (*sat his bag down and began changing he took off his shirt*)

Me: (*i sat on the bench looking ackward*)

Justin: it's ok no need to be shy lol

Me: (*i still jus sat there quite, I mean I was in a boys locker room where alot of sweaty guys come and change very awkward*)

Justin: ok then (*he went to me and picked me up and threw me over his shoulders and spinned me around*)

Me: aaaaaaaaa!!!! Justin!!!!

Justin: lol no one can help you!

Me: (*i began kicking my feet, he stopped spinning me around then started running around the locker room crazy like*) aaaaaaa!!!! Lol!!! 😂😂 stoopppp!!! Don't drop me!!!

Justin: what?! Sorry I can't hear you? You said drop you!! Ok!!

Me: noooo 0.0!!

Justin: lol (*he sat me back down on The bench*)

Me: -.- I should hurt you

Justin: lol (*he was walking away with his shirt in his hand and I ran and jumped on his back*) ohhh snap!!L

Me: (*i bit his ear*) lol (* I jumped off his back the he tackled me to the lockers*) lol ^.^

Justin: lol (*he stopped laughing still holding me up to the lockers the he kissed me --> listen to the song to get the feel of the moment-->*)

Me: (*i was shocked but I let him kiss me again, I didn't know what to do it was a confused moment*)

Justin: (*sat me back on the bench and finished changing, I jus sat there and waited after he finished we both took our things and walked out of the gym*) well see you when the game starts I guess

Me: umm ok (. _____.)

Justin: (*he came to me and gave me a hug then he waited until i looked at him then he gave me a quick kiss, he let me go*) alright bye (*he walked out the building and I was left standing there looking dumb, out of no where the lights cut off in the gym and I was left standing there looking dumb and was in the dark*).....

Me: WTF just happen 0.0 😨

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