Chapter 1- Closer than they Thought

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To say that Spencer Hastings's life so far has been dramatic would be a huge understatement, for the last several years she and her friends Aria, Hanna, Emily and Alison, who they thought was dead but it turned out that she wasn't, we're all being stalked by this person that went by "A" and first it was Hanna's friend Mona Vanderwaal who originally started torturing Alison to get back at her for bullying her and then it turned into an obsession with Spencer, Hanna, Aria and Emily, but then someone stole the game from Mona and long story short, they finally discovered that "A" was Charles DiLaurentis, a long lost brother of Alison's who turned out to be Andrew Campbell who was then put in a mental institution and then Labor Day weekend rolled around and it was time for the girls to go their separate ways, Emily is going to Pepperdine University in Malibu, California, Aria is going to Savannah, Hanna is moving to New York with her boyfriend Caleb and going to the Fashion Institute of Technology, Alison decided that she's going to stay in Rosewood to look after Charles while he's undergoing treatment, and while Spencer and the girls might not support her decision they do respect it since she's their best friend. Anyway back to Spencer, she is planning to go to Georgetown University in Washington DC and while she is very excited to finally be getting out of Rosewood, she is not looking forward to having to say goodbye to her boyfriend, Toby Cavanaugh, right now the two of them are at Toby's loft cuddling on the couch with each other. 



"We're going to make this work, right?" Spencer asked looking up at him from where her head was resting on his chest and he nodded. "Of course we are, as I said before if we could make it through everything else that's happened I'm pretty sure that we can make it through the long distance thing." He said and Spencer nodded. "I know, I guess it's just hitting me a little harder now that I'm going to be leaving in a few days." She said before looking down at their intertwined hands. "No, don't do that, we are going to be fine Spence, I promise you, we made it through A's torture right?" Toby asked and she nodded. "Yeah we did, I know you're right, we can do this." She said. "Exactly, and we'll talk all the time, and you know I'm going to visit whenever I can." Toby said reassuringly. "I know you will, sorry I'm just being paranoid." Spencer said before squeezing his hand and he squeezed her hand back comfortingly. "Spence you don't have to apologize, how many times do I have to tell you that? Especially not for being paranoid, it's understandable after everything that's happened." Toby said and Spencer looked up at him again and he could tell that there was a lot more on her mind than she was saying.

"Okay I know that look, what's bothering you?" Toby asked and she took a deep breath before squeezing his hand again. "There's something that Charles said… something about my family…" Spencer said trailing off and Toby could tell that she was trying to figure out what Charles could've meant by bringing up her family. "Spence are you seriously taking anything Charles said seriously? He was probably just messing with you." Toby said but Spencer shook her head. "No.. there's something that my parents aren't telling me." Spencer said looking back down at their hands and Toby wishes that there was something he could do to help her. "And what do you think that is? And why would Charles even mention anything to you? And why now?" He asked her and she shrugged. "I don't know, I guess because whatever it is isn't good and he wanted to throw one last grenade at my life before being hauled away, I'm just trying to figure out what it could be." She said. "Well don't stress yourself out, please." Toby said. "You know it's cute when you worry." Spencer said smiling softly at him. "Yeah you've mentioned that before, okay sit up straight for me." Toby said and Spencer did as he said and he started to massage her shoulders comfortingly. "Mmm, you always know how to calm me down." Spencer said smiling. "Well it's kind of my job, being you boyfriend and all." Toby said smiling softly before kissing her neck and Spencer moaned softly. "You will always be my safe place to land, and I will always love you." She said and Toby smiled. "Well that's good because I will always love you." He said and Spencer turned around and kissed him passionately and he kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her and they kissed until they had to break apart for air. "I really needed that, thank you." Spencer said smiling at him. "My pleasure." Toby said before kissing her forehead. "As much as I wish we could continue this, I've got to get home before my parents get back from their business trip." Spencer said starting to stand up and Toby stood up with her and he grabbed her hand gently. 

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