Chapter 4- Secrets and Lies

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It was now a few weeks later and Spencer was adjusting to being a permanent resident of Horseshoe Bay pretty well, and Nancy was just glad that she is getting all of time with Spencer, especially since now they know that they're sisters.

The girls were currently in Nancy's room, sitting on her bed, discussing Tiffany's murder.

"So I know that you mentioned that Ryan had Tiffany's body examined out of town, have the results come back yet?" Spencer asked her. "Dad said the results from the autopsy should be coming in today." Nancy said. "Remind me again why Dad is representing Ryan?" Spencer asked and Nancy sighed softly. "Because he needed the money to pay my bail when I broke into the morgue." Nancy said and Spencer sighed softly. "See Nance, this is why that was a bad idea." She said. "Again, not like you haven't done that before." Nancy said. "Yeah but I didn't get caught." Spencer said and Nancy rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay. Point taken, can we skip the emotional punishment here Sis?" She asked her and Spencer nodded. "Yes. Okay so I know that you mentioned that Dr. Sander said that the test results from the blood that you took from Tiffany's body showed that she was poisoned but we don't know the exact poison." She said and Nancy nodded. "Yeah, he's still working on it. But the autopsy that Ryan had done should clear everything up, although this is the Hudson's we're talking about here." She said. "So you're saying that we shouldn't trust whatever these other results say." Spencer said. "I mean Ryan or his parents could've just paid to get the medical examiner to lie, so yeah I would say take whatever these other results say with a grain of salt." Nancy said and Spencer nodded. "Understood. So, have you made any progress with Lucy's case?" She asked her curiously. Nancy has also been investigating the nursery of Lucy Sable, Horseshoe Bay's most infamous Sea Queen, she's also known as the town ghost, if people believe that Horseshoe Bay is haunted because as far as Nancy and Spencer are concerned, ghosts don't exist.

"Well, I'm still trying to figure out if Tiffany's death is somehow connected to Lucy's, and there might be some stuff that I haven't mentioned." Nancy said. "Okay, why do I get the feeling that that means that it's bad?" Spencer said and Nancy took a deep breath. "Well… I sort of… okay, there's two things." She said and Spencer motioned for her to continue. "Well, the first thing is… for some reason, I keep getting these weird dreams." Nancy said. "Weird how?" Spencer asked her curiously. "I don't get them every night or anything, only sometimes, but I still don't know how to explain it because it sounds ridiculous." Nancy said. "Nance, you know that you can tell me anything." Spencer said and Nancy nodded. "Okay, so… I have been getting these dreams… and I think they're messages, from Dead Lucy." Nancy said and Spencer's eyes widened a little. "Wait, you're saying that you've been having dreams about Dead Lucy?" She asked her and Nancy nodded. "Yeah, I don't really know why it's happening or anything, but yes sometimes I get these dreams about Dead Lucy, like she's trying to tell me something." She said. "Like she's trying to help you solve her murder?" Spencer asked and Nancy nodded. "Yeah, it seems that way." She said.

"And the other thing?" Spencer asked her. "Now I don't want to freak you out or anything, but do you remember when I told you about that time when I was young and I saw Mom and Dad outside in the middle of the night burying a trunk in the backyard?" Nancy asked and Spencer nodded. "Well, a few weeks back, before you came, I had this dream, like Dead Lucy was telling me to go look in the attic for something, and so I went up there, and I found the trunk, and I opened it and inside was what I thought was Dead Lucy's dress." Nancy exclaimed and Spencer's eyes widened once again. "Wait, what? You're saying that you might have found Dead Lucy's dress in the attic?" Spencer asked in shock. "I thought that at the time, yeah." Nancy said. "D-did you ask Dad about the dress?" Spencer asked curiously. "Yeah, when he came to bail me out of jail, he said that it was just a prank dress, that he had used it to scare Mom years ago." Nancy explained. "Well, that does make sense. I mean, you don't think that Dad had something to do with Lucy's death, do you Nance?" Spencer asked her. "Honestly, I don't know what to think. I mean obviously I know that Dad would never hurt anyone, but something seems weird about this whole thing." Nancy said and Spencer nodded. "Yeah, I agree, it does. So how do you want to handle this? Should we talk to Dad?" She asked. "I don't think that's nessecary right now, I mean we don't have any other proof or anything, and Dad took the dress to the dump." Nancy said. "Wait, he threw it out?" Spencer asked. "Yeah, but it makes sense if it was a joke, like he said." Nancy said. "Okay, we should probably get downstairs." Spencer said and Nancy nodded. "Yeah, let's go." She said and they both got off the bed and headed down stairs to the kitchen.

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