cheater [angst]

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my wife accused me for being a cheater.

well she isn't wrong, i am a cheater. i dated several girls who i've met before we even got in a relationship, i'm that kind of person who isn't contented with just one.

today, i'm with nayeon. i bought her everything she would asked for. i spend all my money buying her gifts such as clothes, makeup and everything she would ask for. my wife, i've never bought her anything at all unless she asked me to.

nayeon took me to the beach today, it's her favorite place and it relaxes her there. i sat next to her near the shore and looked at her, placed my hand on top of hers before i smiled.

"you look beautiful today darling..." i mumbled but she seems to hear it. i immediately took a picture when she wasn't looking before i chuckle.

nayeon smiled so widely that it made me forgot about my wife, made me feel like nothing ever mattered at all as long as she's here with me.

i placed my hand on her cheek, brushing my thumb on her soft skin as i lean closer to her face. i love her more than my wife and as long as she doesn't know that i'm with her, nothing would ever happen...right?

after that i drove nayeon to my house where i share with my wife, i let her get in and it was a relief that she wasn't home yet. i let her sit on the couch and i went to the kitchen to get snacks for her but when i came back, she said she had to leave.

i let her and i just sat on the couch alone, i waited for my wife to get home.

i didn't notice that i fell asleep on the couch last night, i sat up and look around before i went to our shared room to change my clothes.

after that, i went out for a jog, it was still 6:00 am then i saw the girl i've always missed.

"my moguri~" i called her and placed the cold water bottle on her cheek making her flinch, she hit my arm and i laughed.

momo took my phone and took a picture of me with her kissing my cheek, i smiled widely to the point my eyes weren't seen.

momo is a dancer, she has a beautiful body that i can stare at, perfect curves and a very cute face. i brushed my hand on her toned abs, teasing her when i let my fingertips brush on her exposed thighs.

it made me laugh at how she reacts to everything i do. put my arm around her shoulder before i went to eat breakfast with her.

i went home to take a shower and change my clothes, i went downstairs and saw my cute sunshine is there.

"sana!" i shouted and ran to her arms as i pressed my lips on her forehead. she brightens up my day just with her cute smile.

and i have mina, she was quiet and shy around me so i always need to make sure she's comfortable with everything i do so i always ask for permission.

"mitang, baby i'm here, i bought you food" i said when i entered her room and she was there on the floor with piles of blankets around her, she was playing video games again.

i chuckled and went to her before i sat down the floor next to her, she groaned when she lost her game then she put all her attention to me.

Oneshots [JeongHyo]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ