Ship names for Ethan, Mia, Duncan and Clara ❤️

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I already have a ship name for Orlina and Lucas, it's "Lucina". So I thought, "What about a ship name for their kids and their crushes"? And, I thought of one — Here they are...

 So I thought, "What about a ship name for their kids and their crushes"? And, I thought of one — Here they are

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...Ethan and Clara's ship name is "Ethra" and Duncan and Mia's ship name is "Duncia".

What do you guys think? I know it's... weird, but I'll get used to it. I used Name Combiner to ship my OC's, maybe you guys can do yours too.

A lot of you been saying Mia's hot and Ethan's cute, I try to make them look bad@$$E$.

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