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CHAPTER STARTED: 12/29/2019 3:53 PM CST


     It was a Friday night when it all started. The first home game of the season had just ended, with Hogwarts High winning 24-14 against Durmstrang High. Harry Potter decided to throw yet another of his famous after-parties.

     It started off like any other Potter Party. With Harry being the absolute center of any and all attention. A bottle of Jack to his lips, he watched his "friends" celebrate another win. He used the term friends extremely loosely when it came to the people he spent his time with. Putting it nicely, his so-called friends were assholes. 

     He hated associated with people like them, but popularity comes with a price. It always does. There's nothing new about the popularity trope. It's been the same for hundreds of years. He was expected to lead the school to victory endlessly and no one cared about him specifically. Everyone he knew would rather worry about popularity than friendship.

     This party was no exception to any other high school party. Harry watched some people drink themselves stupid and watched others smoke until they were so high they were in the actual clouds. He hated them, but it gave him something to do on a Friday night after football was done. 

     "We should do something different. All your parties are the same. It's getting so boring, no offense." Hermione Granger had yelled to Harry over the booming music. He always admired Hermione for her bluntness. She joined the popular crowd through her boyfriend Ron, who happened to be Harry's best friend since pre-school. She also happened to be one of the smartest people that Harry had ever met. 

     "What'd you have in mind?" Harry yelled back, trying his best to read her lips instead of straining to hear anything over Logic booming behind him. He watched as her expression went from thought to pure evil, she wrapped her hand around his wrist and pulled him into the living room. 

     "Ron, darling. Turn the music down, please?" She yelled to her boyfriend, who was spinning. He nodded and did as told. "Who's in for truth or dare?" She called to the crowded room. A roar of cheers came in response.

     Which brings us to now. Harry found himself surrounded by seven people, not including himself. Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Ginny Weasley, Dean Thomas, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Cedric Diggory, and Harry sat in a circle-like shape (never a perfect circle, naturally) each with drink in hand.

     "Since you're the host. You go first. Truth or dare, Harry?" Hermione smirked at her friend, hoping he would pick dare on the first shot. No such luck.

     "Truth. You know I never say dare on the first round." Harry had never been able to say no to a dare. Especially if it was a good one. He wanted to wait for this one. He was an open book. Nothing phased him when it came to truths.

     "Fine. You've been distant the past few weeks. We all think so and we all want to know what it is that you've been hiding from us." She smirked. It wasn't malicious, but it still made Harry's mouth open in shock. Fuck, he thought.

     "I didn't know you guys noticed." He chuckled nervously. "I hate you all, by the way." His chuckle turned to a laugh. "This summer I finally started to realize some things about myself." The song switched from Logic to Dax as Harry took a deep breath. "Fuck this is harder than it should be. I like guys, guys." He paused, laughing at himself. "I'm into guys and girls." 

      "We're proud of you for telling us, Harry." Luna smiled from her spot nearby. "Your turn!" The game went on like this for a while. Harry was happy with the positive reactions to his coming out. He was worried more about his friends not accepting him than anything else. It was nearly an hour before Harry had been asked again. He chose truth again, smiling softly. 

     "Seeing as you've recently figured out your bisexuality, who's currently got your eye?" Ginny Weasley eyed Harry suspiciously. It was no secret that Ginny had a crush on Harry. The whole world practically knew that.

      "He's new this year, I think. Well, I mean. I hadn't seen him before this year. Quiet, cute, blond. I think his name is something Malfoy." Harry blushed, looking down at the floor in front of him. He had never said it out loud that he likes the Malfoy kid.

     "Draco Malfoy?" Cedric inquired, a small smile forming on his face. Harry nodded, smiling softly. "You'd be cute together."

     "Totally!" Hermione grinned. Next round, she had a plan. As soon as she got the chance, she made Harry pick dare. "Last round, Harry. Truth or dare."

     "Dare." He had all but forgotten that she knew his secret now. "Wait-"

     "No, you can't switch. Harry James Potter, I dare you to get Draco Malfoy to fall in love with you by the end of the semester." Hermione smiled brightly.

      "Hermione, I-"

     "Are you backing out of a dare?" She interrupted, a daring grin on her face.

     "N-No, I...I don't want him to hate me after this dare is over. I actually like him, you guys. I really want him to like me." Harry gushed in a panic.

     "He will. Don't worry about that." Hermione beamed. And that was that, apparently. Harry had four months to make Draco Malfoy fall for him and not hurt Draco or himself in the process.


CHAPTER FINISHED: 12/29/2019 4:44 PM CST

WORDS: 925

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