Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Walking into the diner, I slide into the booth across from my best friend Lori. "What's up? You said you wanted to talk." I say as I look over the menu. "I'm worried about you." she tells me. "I'm good, Lori." I tell her. "No you're not. You don't go out. You don't date. You just work and go home." she tells me. "I don't have time to date. Even if I did, where would I even meet someone?" I ask. "Me." she tells me and I look at her confused. "Look, I've been seeing this guy, Gilly. He's a member of the Mayans MC and there's a party tonight and you're going. I'm setting you up with his friend Creeper. You'll like him." she tells me. "Really? A club party? I don't even drink." I tell her. "Neither does he. He's four years sober." she tells me and I sigh. "Fine." I say, giving in. "Good. When we leave here, we'll go to my house and get ready." she tells me. "Does he even know he's being set up?" I ask. "Yeah. He does. He actually asked Gilly if I had any friends he can get set up with." she tells me. "Yeah. Okay." I say and we go on eating.

After we eat, we go to Lori's house and she starts pulling out some tops and a couple of pairs of jeans for me to try. Once I'm dressed, we head out to the clubhouse. I'm in a pair of faded jeans that show my curves perfectly, an emerald green top that is form fitting and showing my figure off perfectly and a pair of heeled booties. My makeup is light and my hair is down in my natural waves.

Pulling up to the clubhouse, we get out of her car and a guy with a Mayans kutte walks over and pulls her into a hug and kisses her softly and I can't help but smile. They look at each other and I can see so much love there. I want that someday. "Baby, this is my best friend Annie. Annie, this is my boyfriend Gilly Lopez." she introduces us. He holds out his hand and I reach out to shake it and say "Nice to meet you." He smiles and says "You too. You ready to meet Creeper?" I nod and we head over to where one of the bonfires is lit.

Walking up, I see a man sitting there and he stands as he sees us walk up. He's very well built, long goatee and closely shaved head. I kinda like it. "Hey Lori." Creeper says as he hugs her. "Hey Creeper. This is my best friend Annie. Annie, this is Creeper." she says and, like Gilly, he holds out his hand to shake. I shake his hand and he offers me the chair next to where he was sitting. We sit down and start talking. "So, tell me about yourself." he says. "Not much to tell. Moved back here from Georgia about three years ago and opened my own little shop in town." I tell him. "You lived here before?" he asks. "Yeah. From the time I was about twelve until right before I turned eighteen." I tell him. "What kind of shop do you have?" he asks. "I make health and beauty items like bath bombs and body butters. Things like that." I tell him. "Cool. Might have to check it out. See what all you do." he tells me and I smile softly at him.

A woman barely wearing anything walks near us and Gilly says "Bring us some drinks please?" She looks at him and nods. "Beers for us." Lori says and Creeper looks at me and I say "Water please." He smiles and looks back at her and says "Two waters." He turns to me and asks "You don't drink?" I shake my head no and say "Never was a big drinker." and he leans closer. "I think we're gonna get along just fine Princess." and I can't help the laugh that comes out of my mouth. "You think so huh?" I ask and he reaches over and takes my hand, lacing his fingers with mine when all of a sudden I freeze. "What's wrong?" Creeper asks. "That man over there. Is his name Che Romero?" I ask. "Yeah. You know Taza?" Creeper asks. "Yeah. Is it okay if we go say hello?" I ask softly. "Sure." He says. He stands up and offers me his hand. I take it and stand and he leads me over to Che.

Walking up behind him, I tap him on the shoulder and when he turns around and looks at me and it's like he's trying to figure out where he's seen me. "Hi Papa Che." I say softly. "Holy shit! Peaches!" he says before pulling me into a hug and it's all I can do not to start crying as he pulls me closer. When we separate, he asks "What are you doing here?" I look back at Creeper and he smiles softly. "I'm actually on a date with Creeper." I tell him. Papa Che looks at Creeper and nods and Creeper nods back. "How do you two know each other?" another man asks. I look at him and his patch says he's the president and I see Papa Che's says he's the vice president. "Shit. Guys, this is Annie, more or less my kid." he tells them and they look at him shocked. They look at me and the president, who I learned is Bishop, says "Welcome to the family Sweetheart." I nod and say "Thank you." Papa Che asks "You want to meet for lunch tomorrow and catch up?" I look at Creeper and he nods his okay and I look back at Che and say "I'd like that." He hugs me one more time and I walk back over to the bonfire with Creeper.

When we sit down, Lori asks "Taza is Papa Che?" I nod and Creeper asks "He's your old man?" I nod and say "When I lived here before, him and my mom started seeing each other and my real dad was never around so he was more or less my dad when we lived here. We moved back to Georgia when my grandparents got sick and I moved back here about three years ago." I tell him. "Well, looks like you're already part of the family." Lori tells me and I can't help but smile.

We spend the rest of the night, me talking to Creeper and I find that I really like him. By the time the night ends, Gilly and Creeper walk us to Lori's car and Gilly kisses Lori deeply and whispers that he loves her and she whispers it back. Creeper is still holding my hand and I look down at our hands. "I really like you Annie." he tells me. I look up at him and say "I like you too." He steps closer and says "I would really like to see where this could go." I smile softly and say "I'd like that too." We exchange numbers and he says he will call me the next day. He hugs me and when we start to separate, I stop him. He looks at me and I lean up and kiss his lips softly. He deepens the kiss and when we separate, we are both smiling. "Talk to you tomorrow Princess." he whispers. "Tomorrow." I say softly.

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