Diagon Alley

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Two days before the trio was to go to Hogwarts, Harry, The Weasleys, and Hermione went to Diagon Alley. They got their robes first and then set off for the book store. The threesome saw Professor McGonagall getting supplies with a student.

"Hello Professor!" Hermione called out.

"Hello Ms. Granger!" She replied cheerily, but with a pained expression

"Are you okay Professor?" The girl asked.

"I'm fine Ms. Granger" McGonagall replied while wincing. "Just a bit of a headache."

"Well I hope you get better," Hermione replied.

She nodded and then walked off to continue her shopping.

"Well that was weird," Harry remarked.

"Yeah. Weird," Ron added.

The group then went to Quality Quidditch Supplies so that Ron and Harry could look at the brooms.

"Check out that sweet Nimbus 2004!" Ron remarked.

Just then from behind us, the trio heard someone sneer.

"Well look who it is," Lucis Malfoy drawled. "It's Potter, The Mudblood, and the Blood Traitor."

"As if you'll ever be able to afford that broom Weasel," Draco remarked.

"Well at least Ron doesn't get everything handed to him Malfoy!" Hermione shot back. 

"My father will hear about this!" Draco warned.

"Malfoy, your father is right there," Ron responded.

Draco's face looked really angry at that moment.

"Ron, Harry Let's go," Hermione said as she grabbed their hands and drug them out of the store.

The three met Mrs. Weasley outside of the Leaky Cauldron. 

"Ready?" She asked.

"I think we have everything Mrs. Weasley," Harry answered her.

They then flooed back to the Burrow where Hermione resumed thinking about the letter and it's outcomes.

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