Whomping Willow

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Hermione anxiously waited for Professor McGonagall to finish calling all of the names. It seemed to be taking way longer then it did the last couple of years. Hermione impatiently taps her toe and fidgets with her necklace.

"Why was there so many first years this year?" She asked out loud.

"Uh 'Mione," Harry started.


"There is actually less than there was last year," Harry informed her, running a hand through his messy hair as he says so.

"I agree with Hermione," Ron started. "It does seem to be taking longer. But that's probably because I'm excited for the chicken. I didn't eat that much for breakfast this morning." Hermione rolled her eyes, knowing that was a lie.

Professor McGonagall finally finished off reading all of the names, and Dumbledore began his welcome speech. This also seemed to be taking longer than usual to Hermione. When the headmaster had finished his welcome speech, food of all kinds appeared on the table. Hermione ate as quickly as possible and then rushed off to her dorm room to look for something.

Hermione  rummaged through her trunks, desperately searching for the letter that had been sent to her. She wanted to have it as some kind of proof she supposed. Just as she grabbed her letter, she felt her fingers touch something cold in her trunk. She pulls a locket out of the trunk. Placing it around her neck, she quickly shut the trunk and left her dorm.

Running down the stairs, Hermione was met with empty hallways, as everyone was still eating.

When Hermione got there, she didn't see anyone around the tree. She waits for a bit with a sigh. Hermione supposed she had made it to the tree in record time.

When the girl looked up, she saw a cat stiffly sitting in the branches. It was grey and appeared to have dark grey circles around its eyes. Hermione was quite surprised to know that the cat had not been thrown off of the branches.

The cat just stared at Hermione and blinked occasionally. All of a sudden, it jumped down to the ground and turned into a human.

"Hello Hermione," the voice says. It was one that Hermione immediately recognized from all of her years at Hogwarts.

"Professor McGonagall?" Hermione asked.

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