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Willows POV

"I'M HARRY FREAKIN' POTTER I'LL DO WHAT I CAN IF WHAT YOU SAY I AM IS TRUE I CAN'T BE BOTHERD WITH MY AWFUL PAST!" I yelled, at the top of my lungs running around the school.

"WILL, SLOW DOWN!" My two BFF's said behind me, cutting my singing short "And STOP SINGING AVPS SONGS" I GROWLED.

"At last the lines are drawn into the sand.
At last I know exactly where I stand.
You may think that I'm on the decline,
but tonight this school is mine.
Yes, tonight this school is mine!
Yes, tonight this school is mine!"                                                                                                                                          
I yelled back at them when I ran into the bathroom stall door.

"owwwwwwwwww!" I said, rubbing my head.

"gottcha." they said.

"My friend Hermione has been petrifiedddddd!" I sung at the top of my lungs.THEY GROWLED GOD WHY ARE THEY SO TWINNY TO TODAY?!

"It's not fair it's not fair I wasn't there to save you from the evil stuff I wasn't as smart as you to do..." I got cut off AGAIN.

"SHUT UP WILLOW!" Rose said.

"FINE!" I yelled. We got up when metal bars appeared in front of us and "LOCKDOWN!" was said from the speaker. Our eyes widened and we jumped into the biggest stall. I'm not joking we actually jumped.

'I believe they're in here dear Bella." I heard someone who sounded oddly familiar say. And Bella where have I heard that before?... ehhh must be my lunatic known as my mind.

"BOMBARDA!" I heard and I saw a sink explode. DAFUCK?! Rose and Violet looked scared and me being the oldest went to the door and peeked out. When I saw nothing I turned back around to see Rose and Violet being held with wands to their necks and the last thing I saw was Rose and Vi screaming in pain. I also noticed their legs were bleeding. So we are now KIDNAPARATION. NOW OFFICIALY A THING YAAAA!!!!!! WAIT NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tabithas POV

I was walking into the washroom when I saw three fermilier peoplezezs with three unknown people with masks the one with weird hair grabbed me and I'm now seeing black...DAM IT!!!Wait who were the other three?????????????Nahh not importanto.


well i'm @Connorlovegood aka Alex this is the chap i wrote this one next is my co-writer @IAmTheMadHatter hope you liked it!!!!!!!!!!!

QOTC: Who's your favourite Harry Potter character who DIED?!...SORRY!


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