7~nope wait what!!!??? I'm conffuzled!

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Willows POV

I started to hyperventilate but me being me I got up an ran after Dumbledore until I stepped on my ankle wrong the one that was hurt. I started limping after him footsteps following me. Dumbledore walked into the great hall us four following well me limping. God my ankle hurts!!!He walked to his seat no one was looking at him they were looking at us four injured peoplezeze...THAT IS NOW A WORD!!!

People were now looking at me wiredly and I then heard a voice in my head I'm going crazy aren't I.The voice was saying 'you said that aloud'It sounded like Tabitha is it no its not.is it no yes no I'm crazy!!!'yes you are' Tabitha no yes wait no 'its me stop aruging with you're self' oh so I'm not crazy good.

I just relized that Dumbledore called my name a million times.I walked up realizeing that my family had been sorted, Tabby: Griffindor, Rose:

Hufflepuff  and Vi is a ravenclaw.

I sat down and the hat was placed on my head.

'Crazy brave but will do anything to reach youre ends' my good I sat there drowzing off in till I heard "SLYTHERIN" My eyes widened in excitement. Yes the house I wanted!!!

I ran over to the table sitting beside the blonde known as Draco Malfoy.I'm still conffuzled though!

I wrote this for you in a rush note I'm brain dead gahhhhhhh help if you have ideas please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-ALEX THE FANGIRL!!!!!!!!

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