ChapterWhatever it is

12 1 0

Don't play the song yet!!
Yay my thing crashed so I have to start a new page good for me from where we left off

Bill was popular with the meat sacks and while he was charming people magically getting people what they wanted at the time. We had a plan he charms I note everything down in my mind  that would be useful in the future we said we were freinds and just moved here
And people bought it.

Time skip
Mables pov

Dipper we're here look.

Finally I get to see grunkle ford

You mean stan

No ford




Ok ok stan it is


Hay what are all the towns folk doing over there mable

I don't know probably there to welcome us the hero's of the town

No it looks like they're surrounding two people

Let's go check it out

Ooo dipper look boy


No ones POV

You good lad what a camera Oo the newest version here you go

Yay a camera now I don't have to use this rock

And you las want a hmmmm a pie and is your name Suzan a lovely name for a lovely woman

O such a gentleman

Dipper he's so cute how does he get what people want so fast that camera isn't even out yet

Magic sweet heart I know you want a sweater a... galaxy sweater am I right and is your name mable pines.

How did you know


Awesome dipper you should try.

Just think of what you want kid and it's all yours

Dippers mind

Ok anything I want don't screw this up dipper I really want to take  that girl on a date I could feel my face heating up as I looked at her I noticed she had wolf ears.
End of dippers thoughts

(Stay calm bill, dipper could never get a date with y/n)
Sorry kid I can't do that it's impossible for even me to get you a date with her

In the mean time

You were sipping some tea
Slurp hehe the burns in this place are real wait.... that dipper boy wanted a date with me
Thoughts of the towns folk they're gullible and needy

I looked phone and acted like I had a text

Bill we got to go

Mable do you think Bill by bill cipher

Is it you bill

Y/n's POV

I could feel bills Florescent eyes looking my way begging me to step in
Having him look at me like that almost made me blush and freeze but no time for that I had to step in
I don't know who this bill cipher your talking about
But my bill isn't from here he's from California like me and doesn't have a last name

O I'm sorry my brother shouldn't have accused you sorry bill

Piss mable just in case we should check if the statue is still there just in case

My dream demon (Bill x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora