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Excerpt from "How We Won The Wizarding War: An Anthology of Heroes" Chapter 3, Part 1: Roksana the Vampire Spy

I was never meant to be a spy. My life was mapped out since my birth. As the eldest daughter of a near royal vampire house I was to be well educated and meticulously trained. Once I reached adulthood I was to be married to the eldest son of our rival house of vampires. The union would maintain the strength and purity of both houses and our family businesses. It was my duty and I was ready to exceed expectations. I was ready to rule as best a female in an archaic clan of supernatural beings was allowed. I was capable, smart, and loyal. These three things are what set me on a new path.

I had met my betrothed on several occasions. I was privileged enough to know him better than most other wealthy vampire females would know the men they were promised to. He was incredibly attractive and equal parts intelligent and proud. I was happy to have his attention and to be his future mate. The last time I saw him he broke tradition as he ran the back of his hand along the side of my face, moving to hold the back of my head as he pulled me in for a deep and electrifying first kiss. I would know later that it may also be our last kiss; for it was him who recommended me for the undercover position. I knew then that he was also manipulative.

I accepted the position because it was expected of me. I probably would have been killed upon a refusal. It is simply the way a house of vampires operates- allegiance above all else. I also had never dreamed that anything outside of my mapped out life would be allowed for me. If I searched my heart truly than I knew I craved adventure and different and reckless abandon. As I was sent on my mission these three things would ultimately put me on the fence between allegiance and betrayal.

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