When it all began

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February 24 2013
J had come over to my house and we started talking about coming out, but we where not gay. Or so we thought. Then she said something that changed everything.

J: Dude I almost came out last night.
I laughed thinking it was a joke and continued on with my story.
J: You missed it...
Me: You're gay?!
J: Bi (bisexual to like boys and girls)
Me: Cool.
I don't remember all the details, but we went on a walk, and got some food and then stopped at the library. I looked at her, she smiled , she looked beautiful and I was about to lean over and kiss her when my phone went off. It was my mom she wanted us to come home. On the walk home she asked is she could hold my hand. She blushed when she said it. The rest of the walk her hand was in mine. It felt like it was meant to be. That night she texted me.
J: Will you be my girlfriend.
I thought what the hell P (me) you are not gay why did you hold her hand? I texted back.
Me: We should think about it to be sure it's what you want.
J: Okay
The next morning.
I woke up to texts from J.
J: I've thought about it for a long time will you be my girlfriend?
I texted her back
Me: I'll talk to you about it tonight at church.
J: Okay
Yes you read that correctly. Gays that go to church.
That night we sat together I told her I was strait and we agreed there would be no awkwardness.
What I didn't know is I had made the biggest mistake of my life.

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