Only Reason ❤️

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Continuation !

John: Tell me you don't love me !
Nikki: I can't !
John: Why not ?
Nikki: Because I love you ❤️

She said as she closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks ! John wiped them away he then wrapped his aroma around her torso and pulled her in for a kiss just as their lips were going to connect.........

There was a knock on the door !

John: I swear I could kill who ever is knocking !
Nikki: I would thank them ! I was saved by the bell or well knock !

She said as she went to open the door !

Nikki: Oh hey Randy !
Randy: I knew you would be in here !
Nikki: What's up ?
Randy: Brie sent me because Hope isn't feeling good she threw up twice and is just holding her stomach !
Nikki: Omg my baby !

She said as she ran towards the divas locker room where she left Hope with Brie ! Randy looked at a shirtless John who was looking for his shirt and wondered what was going on in here !

Randy: Were you shirtless when she came in here ? Or did that happen as things went on ? Were you messing with a married woman Mr. Cena ?
John: Cut the crap Orton ! I was shirtless when she came in here ! And well I was about to when you came in ! Come on let's go see if Hope is alright !

Randy nodded and they headed to the divas locker room !

With Nicole !

She came in through the doors and she found her laying down on one of the benches ! She ran over to Hope !

Nikki: Baby are you okay ?
Hope: No mommy my tummy hurts a lot !
Brie: She has a fever too ! Maybe you should take her to the emergency room ?
Nikki: Yeah can you take me ?
Brie: Let me go get Randy he has the car keys !
Nikki: Okay !

She runs out and to her luck Randy and John are right outside !

Brie: Randy were taking Nicole to the hospital ! Hope has a fever and her stomach is really bugging her so were taking her to the ER !
John: I'll take them you follow behind us !
Brie: Okay !

She walks back in

Brie: Nicole, John is going to take you to the hospital she can rest better in his car and then we will meet you there !
Nikki: Okay can you tell him to come in and carry her to his car ?

Before she could John was already in the locker room !

John: Of course I can !
Nikki: Thank you I'm going to call Roman and tell him !
Brie: Go I'll call him and I'll tell him !
Nikki: Okay thanks Brie !

They get to Johns car then rush her to the ER !

After an hour of checking her they a doctor finally comes out to tell Nicole what's wrong with Hope !

Dr: Parents of Hope ?

Nikki gets up and goes to the doctor !

Nikki: That's me I'm her mother what's wrong with my baby doctor ?
Dr: She's fine ! She just has the flu ! It's normal around this time you know with the climate changes although she has gone through a drastic change ! Chicago isn't anything compared to L.A !
Nikki: Yes I know ! In L.A its mostly sunny right now !
Dr: Yes I know I love it !
Nikki: I prefer San Diego but it's the same still California !
Dr: Yeah okay well this is just a precaution that Hope stays here the night because she might get dehydrated from all the throwing up !
Nikki: No that's fine !
Dr: We gave her some medicine and the flu shot so that tomorrow she won't be throwing up anymore and also so her fever goes away ! You can stay with her in one of the rooms !
Nikki: Okay thank you so much !

Just as she was shaking the doctors hand Roman came barging in !

Roman: Where's Hope ? Is my princess okay ?
Nikki: I'll explain thank you doctor !

He nods and leaves !

Roman: Is she okay is it serious ?
Nikki: No Joey calm down !
Roman: You know I like it when you call me Joey !

He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist ! Her a bit confused since he never shows this type of affection towards her this way but she ignored it and held on to him as well !

Nikki: Okay Joey ! She's fine she just has the stomach flu and a fever they gave her the flu shot and some medicine so tomorrow she should be back to normal !
Roman: Oh thank god he said as he rested his head on her chest !

Nikki still confused but started rubbing his head !

Nikki: It's okay !
Roman: You know something I realized ?
Nikki: What ?
Roman: That I find it easier to show you affection when it comes naturally and I don't feel like I have to for Hope !

Nikki pulls away from the hug and looks at him !

Nikki: Well to me it comes naturally to be lovey dovey with you because I need it sometimes and because well you're not that bad looking !

She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck !

Roman: How mad would you be if I kissed you ?
Nikki: Really mad !
Roman: Why ?
Nikki: Because you haven't done it sooner !

She said as she smiled and he pulled her in for a kiss ! As that was happening John was walking in and when he saw that Nikki and Roman were making out in the middle of the waiting room he decided to go for some coffee !

Roman pulled away from the kiss and they looked into each other's eyes !

Nikki: Tell me now ! Did that move any part in you like wanting to push me into any empty room to be alone ?
Roman: Honestly ?
Nikki: Yes !
Roman: No ! I'm sorry !

He said as he closes his eyes and rested his forehead onto his !

Nikki: It's okay ! I wouldn't want you to either ! Haha I felt nothing I'm sorry to say !
Roman: Is it possible that our hearts belong to someone else that we can't possibly be happy with anyone that's not the one ?
Nikki: I think so !
Roman: Sucks we can't be truly happy for the sake of Hope !
Nikki: I know ! So should I be receiving the divorce papers soon ?
Roman: Yeah !
Nikki: Okay ! Go see Hope ! You still have to go on your live events ! Hope won't mind ! Just be there for her !
Roman: Okay !

He pulled away and kissed her hands

Roman: You coming with me ?
Nikki: No I'm going to go get something from the cafeteria !
Roman: Okay I'll let her know you'll be right up !

She nods and they hug one last time and go their separate ways !

As she walks in to the cafeteria she orders her coffee and sits down ! She starts to get lost deep into her thoughts ! Not noticing when John sat next to her !

John: Hey how is she ?

Nikki then jumped in shock that she didn't know how long he had been sitting there !

Nikki: I'm sorry you scared me ! How long have you been sitting there ?
John: Like a minute !
Nikki: Oh well to answer your question she will be fine ! She just has the flu doctor says she can leave tomorrow ! So the medicine can kick in and hopefully she will be all better tomorrow !
John: Oh so is she sleeping right now ?
Nikki: No Roman is with her checking on her and saying goodbye since he still has to leave !
John: So I saw that kiss are you still divorcing ?
Nikki: Oh yeah ! That kiss meant nothing ! It was just to check !
John: Check what ?
Nikki: If he felt any passion between us I certainly didn't !
John: Then the feeling you felt when you first got married isn't there anymore ?
Nikki: It's never been there for me nor for him !
John: What ?
Nikki: To tell you the truth and please don't tell anyone this !
John: I won't what is it ?
Nikki: We only got married so that I or well we could adopt Hope. That's the only reason we got married............

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