3 Months

795 41 3

Nicole still couldn't believe that he was dead ! He couldn't be dead ! Her poor little baby without her father ! How could she live with herself knowing that because of her insisting he find her, he is now dead when he should be the one here with his daughter ! All those thoughts were on her mind while she slept she heard voices but she chose to block them out she couldn't help but to feel guilty that all of this was her fault ! It's because of her that he's dead ! He did say that he would give his life for her but he shouldn't have had to ! He should be here !

She started to think back to the day she turned to him ! The day she would always she greatful !

Nikki's Pov
Me and John just broke up and I can't bring Hope into another bad situation ! What am I suppose to do !

She said as she looked through her phone not knowing who she could or who she should call then his name came up ! Joe !

She clicked on his contact and thankfully answered right away !

Roman: Hello ?
Nikki: Hey it's Nicole
Roman: Hey what's up ?
Nikki: I really need your help !
Roman: Okay come over !
Nikki: I'll be over in 10
Roman: Okay

They hang up and Nikki finds a cab lucky this late at night ! And they drive to Romans house !

When they get their and when he sees Hope he's surprised to see her ! They go in and Nicole explains everything to him !

Roman: Omg Nicole that's horrible !!
Nikki: I know Roman please you have to help me !
Roman: Of course what do we have to do ?
Nikki: Well I want to legally adopt her !
Roman: Okay so ?
Nikki: I've been doing research on my way here !
Roman: Okay ?
Nikki: I need to be married so that they see she would have a father and mother !
Roman: Are you asking me to marry you ?
Nikki: In a way !
Roman: Okay fine !
Nikki: Really ?
Roman: Yes you need me and she needs me I have nothing holding me back so let's do this !

Nikki was in tears she got up and hugged him !

Nikki: Thank you so much !
Roman: Are you still going to be with WWE ?
Nikki: No I want to keep her hidden so her parents don't find her !
Roman: Okay so we tell no one ?
Nikki: Yeah it's best that only you and I know this !
Roman: Okay well we can't live here so where ?
Nikki: L.A ! No one would think to look there for me !
Roman: Or me ! Let alone Hope !
Nikki: Okay ! Come on we have to get going now maybe adopting her will be faster in L.A

He nodded and they left that's how their new life began ! Then she started to think about how many times he use to comfort Hope !

One night Nicole and Roman were sleeping in their room when Hope came running in !

Roman: What's wrong baby ?
Nikki: Yeah sweetie you look really scared !
Hope: I had a nightmare could I sleep here ?
Nikki: Sure but tell us what happened ?
Hope: I had a dream my real parents came looking for me and they found me and they took me !
Roman: Listen baby girl ! You don't have to be scared !
Hope: I don't ?
Roman: No ! I will never let anyone hurt you ! Anybody that hurts you will have to go through me ! Anyone that even tries to hurt you I will kill them no one is taking my angel away you got that ?
Hope: Yes daddy !
Roman: Good ! Know that I will stop at nothing to protect you !
Hope: Okay I love you daddy
Roman: I love you too princess now come on and hug daddy and we'll sleep !

She nodded and the three of them snuggled up together and fell back to sleep !

She couldn't help but think how amazing he was with Hope and now he would be gone he wouldn't be here for her to protect her like he said he always would ! And all because she couldn't wait for the police to find her !

Suddenly she wakes up to find the doctor taking her pressure and John looking at her worried !

John: Hey how you feeling ?
Nikki: Fine I guess ! Why did I faint ?
Doctor: Oh that's common ! It was the shock ! I'm so sorry now you will have to please try to remain calm and eat very health ! Your baby needs you !
Nikki: I know she must be so heart broken !
Doctor: Well we don't know if it's a girl yet but......
John: What are you talking about it's a girl she's outside crying !
Nikki: Oh my child !

She said as she began to cry a little !

Doctor: Oh I'm sorry I thought you knew considering how far along you are !
Nikki: What are you talking about !
John: What do you mean far along ?
Doctor: Well she's 3 months pregnant !

Nikki looked at him and was shocked she looked at John who was just as shocked !

Nikki: 3 months ? I'm 3 months pregnant ?
Doctor: Yes ! I thought you knew I mean dizziness is a sign and vomiting the smell of food ! Nights where you can't sleep ! Weird dreams !
Nikki: Omg I've had all that this past month but I've been wrestling how could I have not lost the baby ?
Doctor: Oh my we have to get you and your baby checked out !
Nikki: Okay !

She looked at John who was still in shock !

Nikki: Baby are you okay ?
John: Just a little taken by surprise ! We're having a baby !

He said as he grabbed her hands and kissed her !

Nikki: I can't help but to still be sad !
John: I know it's fine !

They kissed again and they went into the ultrasound room !

When they go I she quickly gets to see her baby on the monitor !

Doctor: Oh look I was wrong it's not one baby ! It's two Nicole you're having twins !

Nikki started to cry as John held on to her she was so happy to know that she was having twins !

Doctor: Now you see his is why you haven't been showing the baby are taking a little longer to form so we will be giving you some vitamins to help them grow and well it's a miracle you didn't loose oh children !
John: Why didn't she get signs the first two months and now she was ?
Doctor: It's common that most woman can't tell their pregnant until the 3rd month !
Nikki: I thought I was just having the weird dreams and nausea because of the stress !
Doctor: Well the stress could have triggered you to have the symptoms ! Now here is the first few pictures of your babies I'm sorry we couldn't get you one when you were just a month or two !
Nikki: It's fine just knowing I'm pregnant makes me happy I'm still sad to the fact that my daughters father is dead but happy that there's new life growing inside of me !
Doctor: I know ! I'm sorry and congratulations not something that should be in the same sentence !

Nikki just nodded and looked down !

After getting cleaned up and her vitamins from the doctor she went outside with everyone where she found everyone with Hope as she was sleeping in Randy's arms she walked over to her and kneeled down besides her and Randy !

Nikki: Oh my princess ! How is she ever going to recover from this ?
Brie: With our help !
John: Maybe therapy !
Randy: But at least she will know that we all love her !
John: And that her father died saving her !
Brie: That's her sister Katie will meet him up there and be grateful for loving her this last year !

Nikki just nodded with a few tears of her own and kept looking at Hope !

Randy: Are you sick ?
Nikki: No why ?
Brie: You look pale !
Randy: And John is carrying a bag of medicine ?
Nikki: Oh well actually we have some news !
Brie: What is it ?
Nikki: I'm 3 months pregnant with twins.............

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