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This is not an official script used by actors in the Broadway production of 'Beetlejuice' the musical and is written from observation by a fan with too much spare time on his hands. However it may take some time to complete.

Beetlejuice is a stage musical with music and lyrics written and composed by Eddie Perfect and book by Scott Brown and Anthony King starring Alex Brightman as the ghost with the most, and Sophia Anne Caruso as Lydia Deetz. It is based of the 1988 movie of the same name.


The play opens to a funeral, for Emily Deetz. Which beetlejuice rudely interrupts at the end of the prologue song opening the show with a number about how it's a show about being dead, which includes many vulgar and humourous jokes. He then turns the attnetion to a couple, who he's been waiting for them to die for ages, now it's their final day and they're going about their business.Adam and Barbara Maitland, originally played by Rob Mclure and Kerry Butler, however the role of Adam Maitland is now played by David Josefburg, as Rob has moved to Mrs Doubtfire, another broadway musical.) sing about their own lives and 'interests' before falling through the floor boards, eventfully killing them. They climb up and soon realise they are dead. Beetlejuice appears and says that they are both dead and that they can help eachover. During this, a family moves into the house, to Adam and Barbara's surprise. The Deetz make their home as the recently deceased and beetlejuice go hide in the attic. Beetlejuice explains they need to learn how to be scary, to get rid of the people who moved into their house. Barbara and Adam failing miserably, then being a boring white couple at first look. Beetlejuice loses all hope and walks out, saying there losers and to fuck off. Adam and Barbara are highly offended, they were hopefull in eachover. They decide to wear sheets and go down to explore and try to scare the people out, Lydia Deetz, the young girl mourning the death of her recently dead mother, is able to see Barbara and Adam even without the sheets, and starts hatching a plan to get the Deetzs move back home with intention of finding her dead mom. During this she finds out her life coach (Delia, played by Leslie Kritzer) and her father (Charles, played by Adam Danheisser) are getting married. This angers her as Lydia believes her father is trying to ignore the death of her mother, which upsets her, she brings herself up to the roof of her house after writing a suicide note, with the intention of committing suicide, but fortunately, it unfortunately, she meets beetlejuice, who accidentally interrupted her death session. He proceeds try and convince her that she needs his help, and for her to say his name three times. She begins leading him on, until Adam and Barbara interrupt and attempt to stop Beetlejuice, he follows to possess them and Lydia realised that Barbara and Adam can do that to, Beetlejuice realises his mistake but however it's too late and Lydia pushes him off the roof and plots with Barbara and Adam how they're going to ruin her dads big business dinner. Charles, Delia get dinner ready as Charles' business guests arrive, with no intention of investing in Charles ideas. Lydia comes down, much to everyone's surprise, and Adam and Barbara look over the entire ordeal. And each one of them is possessed and begin to sing the Day-O banana boat song, which shocks them but however, the rich business guest proposes the idea that they can use a real haunted house as a money making scheme. This angers Lydia, as her plan to make them leave the house has failed, she snaps and summons beetlejuice by saying his name three times. Barbara and Adam tried to stop them, but couldn't, so they went to the attic. And beetlejuice causes carnage, scaring the Deetz and business guests out of the house. Stating him and Lydia are no longer invisible.


A young Girl Scout (Played by Dana Steingold) is skipping down the road, singing to herself about how she's confident with selling cookies, even with her heart condition which could kill her with even the tiniest bit of fear. She approaches the house that beetlejuice and Lydia are residing in and knocks on the door. Lydia opens the door and asks to buy cookies, to the Girl Scouts surprise. However she asks the girl scout to come in side, which makes her contemplate if Lydia would molest her. She thinks not, and they make their way inside. Beetlejuice appears and scares the young Girl Scout in a musical number, she passes out due to shock and beetlejuice creates many clones of himself for a musical number with Lydia. He and Lydia begin to scare random people who approach the house and cause carnage. Afterwards the Girl Scout wakes up, saying how her heart is more powerful than she could imagine and beetle-juices clones chase after her, running her out the house. She never got to sell her cookies. Beetlejuice explains to Lydia that she now works among the dead, and she needs to know the rules of the dead, he gets her a copy of the 'handbook for the recently deceased' the guide to any recently dead person, so they can have a smooth and easy passing to the netherworld. (The same guide Beetlejuice got rid of so he could attempt to convince the Maitlands to help him without interruption.) However, Lydia can not open the book because she is not recently deceased, but she realizes that she can use the book and go to the netherworld, (the place where the dead go.) and find her mother, whom she is still mournings and she runs to the attic to seek Barbara and Adams help to open the book. Beetlejuice, now alone again and feeling very betrayed he makes a scheme with his own clones about how he'd get Lydia to marry him through a little bit of manipulation and nastiness, so he could be alive, and roam free in the world of the living. In the attic, Lydia with Barbara and Adams help get the handbook open, when they realise they should've gone to the netherworld instead of staying home, because they were stopped by beetlejuice, Adam creates a portal to the netherworld, but Barbara shuts it afraid of the consequences of leaving the house. Lydia berates him, explains how she wanted to find her dead mother. She leaves the attic with disappointment and anger. The maitlands have a moment of self discovery, how they were hiding under a blanket of fear and they need to let themselves out, and then realise how Lydia really needs them.
Delia and Charles enter the house to save Lydia, and awaiting an exorcist to remove beetlejuice, or the stripy ghost man as Charles refers to him as. But Delia explains how she cancelled the exorcist and brought her guru, Otho (Played by the wonderful Kelvin Moon-Loh) who brings a magically box that can supposedly trap stray souls, the 'Soul Box.' Lydia comes down the stairs and tells them to leave, Delia and Charles state that's she possessed, to which she denies. Beetlejuice tells Lydia about a passage in the handbook that can summon her mother, but she accidentally begins an exorcism, Barbara begins being exorcised and everyone causes a panic not knowing what to do. Beetlejuice appears during this, in a fit of rage and he explains how Lydia did this and how exorcism was death for the dead and if they want to have barbara safe, only he can save her, but he will only do it on condition, that Lydia will marry him, to which she forcibly agrees. Beetlejuice stops the exorcism. He then tries to get rid of the Maitlands by opening a door to the netherworld and getting ready to send the Maitlands into the netherworld. Lydia pulls a bait and switch and goes into the netherworld to find her mother. Charles, In a panic, follows her into the netherworld. And the door shuts. Beetlejuice states, in a fit of rage, why does everyone keep leaving him. Lydia and Charles entire the netherworld, and are greeted by miss Argentina and a bunch of dead people. She tells Lydia to return to the netherworld and how life is a short thing that needs to be cherished and she made a mistake herself by cutting it short with her own little accident, because she couldn't love herself. And death is an eternity long and the netherworld residents state examples and Lydias mistake. However Lydia doesn't listen at first. Juno comes and out order to the netherworld residents, who realises Lydia and Charles are breathers, Lydia attempts to escape and frantically runs around the netherworld in an emotional state, a ghostly football team chases her round. Charles and Lydia meet again and Lydia has some self-recognition and sings to her mother as she is In distress. Charles opens up to Lydia, explaining how he isn't trying to cut out Emily and he is too mourning her but is trying very hard to cope, and how he does have his own emptiness. Lydia comes a bit to her senses. Lydia and Charles return to the house with a plan to trick beetlejuice, however currently, the demon is preparing to kill everyone In a game show called the wheel of death. Lydia distracts beetlejuice as Otho reveals he is a hoax and is sent hurdling offstage, and Charles explains to everyone else Lydias plan. Lydia explains to beetlejuice how she had a change of heart and realises her mistake and wants to marry him. Adam explains how beetlejuice has touched and grabbed, and it has seduced him. He kisses beetlejuice to his own inner disgust. Barbara slaps Adam, bare in mind they are all aware of Lydia plan., and says she too is attracted to bj, she then states everyone is, but beetlejuice doesn't take it, and says none of them seem like the orgy type, apart from Delia. She's done some stuff. Lydia sings about how she's going to marry beetlejuice, convincing him and he gets excited about the big day. The wedding takes place and beetlejuice becomes alive, he goes through an emotional rollercoaster of emotions as he's never felt them before, but he ends up angry and turns to murder. He goes to kill Lydia and Lydia stabs him with 'Bad Art', killing him, making him recently deceased. Lydia and the Maitlands attempt to send him to the netherworld, the Juno walks through the doors much to beetlejuices shock. Juno says she wants to take Lydia back to the netherworld, as once you enter you never come back. Beetlejuice stands up to Juno and explains life, her it was an emotional mess, and he learnt to appreciate it in, in the one minute he was alive. Juno pretends she is emotionally moved with beetlejuices speech and comforts him, before turning around again, Calling him a disappointment and that all he wanted was for someone to love him, which was pathetic in her eyes. She then throws him out of the house. The Maitlands, Charles and Delia refuse to letting Juno take Lydia back to the netherworld, and beetlejuice comes crashing through the wall on a gigantic sandworm, which eats Juno. Beetlejuice says his last goodbyes and explains how he wants to go on a journey to find his father. He leaves and everyone gets cleaned up, they rejoice in their victory and Lydia accepts, although her mother is gone, there is still so much life has that she can cherish.

[SCRIPT] BEETLEJUICE ON BROADWAYWhere stories live. Discover now