Fact or Fiction?

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Tootie texted to Timmy about the house and he texted 'some people have seen a figure and heard music coming from the house.' 

"I want to find out more let's go check out my uncle's notes and see if they got clues." Tootie spoke walked to Trixie and Chloe followed.

Back at her house, Tootie told the two that Ricky went to church for prayers. "He won't be back from church until then. 

Inside the living room, they searched for clues Tootie dropped a box. "Help me with this box!" Tootie cried and the girls noticed sketches and words on the artwork.

"Her hair shown in the Moonlight as if a deep River with many Secrets. If she knew she would become a spirit and still be apart from her loved ones she would have shaved her head clean like any griefing widow would."
Trixie read.

As it turned out, the story that Ricky wrote was about a woman trying to find her husband after death. The wife's name was Marilyn and the husband's name was Rico. "Tootie your uncle's back!" Quick go out and stall him!" Trixie yelled.

"Yes, You are beautiful." Ricky spoke to the flower." 

"Uh, Uncle Ricky, who are you calling beautiful to?" Tootie asked. "My flower why?" Ricky said and Tootie told her uncle about where Chloe and Trixie were. 

"Stay away from the house," Ricky warned his niece.

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