Return to Conner House

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The three of them ignored Ricky's warning and they returned to Conner House.

 When they reached the house, they heard a violin sound and they ran. "Where's Tootie?" A concerned Chloe asked she and Trixie followed her.

The two girls entered the house and they heard Tootie's screaming, "Tootie!, Is that you?" Trixie exclaimed.

"I saw a big fat spider!" she exclaimed. Tootie showed the girls the room she entered and she picked up the shawl hanging on the fan. 

"I sense that Marilyn is here, we can help her." Tootie spoke. Chloe added asked what she meant and Tootie explained that they could hold a ritual for the ghost. 

"You know like those supernatural movies, where the protagonist asks the spirit to go to the light, we can ask Marilyn." Tootie said.  "Bad idea." Trixie added. 

Then they heard another noise, unsure of where the noise came from, Chloe screamed and the three of them ran out of the house.

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