my experience in the hospital (story time)

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okay so my irl has been hell and social media has been shit, I've been getting prank calls, hate messages, had alot of fake profiles with nudity on it that said it was me, I've been humiliated, death threats, and people telling me to kms. It's been so hard for me to stay alive when you have nobody to turn to irl and online and I've been holding back my pain and been making everyone happy but myself.
I got tired of all of it and overdosed, my nana saw me and started panicking and she called the ambulance and I can only remember being conscious and going to back to being unconscious, it was like a game that'll never end. The ambulance was so loud and it bounced, rocked, and so much more it was hell, while i was being rushed to the hospital they asked my nana what happened and she lied and said that it was an accidental overdose and when we got to the hospital they stuck a huge ass tube down my throat and pumped or did something like that to get it out of my system and then after they did that they stuck a needle with medicine in it but my body reacted to it and i had a seizure and they was wanting to run more tests and i said "fuck off" and tried kicking, screaming, and trying to get out of there but that didn't work and they gave me something- i couldn't remember what it was but i was out like a light.
All i did now was switch rooms back and fourth. I frfr hated it so mf much.
But they said that if i took the whole bottle of meds then i would've died but i took half a bottle i think and they said i was lucky.
they put me on probation for two months and said i had to take some type of meds for my seizure and told my nana it was to stop from letting me have them. It was my very first seizure and it scared the shit completely out of me.
Oh, i forgot to tell you about elijah- he is someone i met three months ago at my school, we have been friends since then.
My nana invited my mom, dad, siblings, papa, and elijah because I'm close to them. The docs said only family members and they said that they adopted elijah (which they didn't, they lied so he could see me) and i told him to get on my phone and got to wattpad and Snapchat to tell everyone I'm fine.
Poor fellow, doesn't know how wattpad works😂❤
They said we could leave today because they had more patients coming in and that my situation wasn't really serious.
So we're leaving rn.

And that's the story

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