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Today was finally the day where her life would change forever, Lex looked over to her family through the bustling crowd of bodies and found them staring right back at her. Lex's heart swelled as she witnessed the pride in her mother's eyes that was solely directed at her. With a shaky breath, Lex made her way up to the front of the large graduation hall and stood before the person who would give her the title that she needed to start the next chapter of her life. She was finally ready.

After the graduation ceremony had ended, Lex hastily made her way over to her family and friends that had gathered in a large group to wait for her. It had been a monumental day for the group as most of her friends were graduating that day as well, hence why they all decided to meet up after the ceremony had finished. Surveying the scene around her, Lex couldn't help but take out her phone and capture a picture of the large, lively group that she loved with all of her heart. She knew that it would be the last time they would be able to see each other for a long while. With most of her friends already receiving acceptance letters from their new jobs Lex wanted to capture the times when they were all happy together, as a family. Spotting Lex standing way from the group with her phone in hand, Aoife made her way up to the shorter girl with a large goofy grin etched onto her face. "What are you doing standing all the way over here like a loser?" Lex chuckled at her best friend's playful insult and began walking to the rest of the group. Once there, Lex was engulfed in a group hug as everyone broke down in a fit of joyful tears, each and every one of them knowing that they had finally accomplished the goals that they had been working towards for four years.

Lex pulled back from the group and smiled at her friends, she didn't know how she would be able to manage without any one of them in the future but knew that it was something she would have to deal with. Slinging her arm around Aoife's shoulders (having to go on her tip toes to do so), Lex addressed the group, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously. "I think that all of our hard work paying off means that we can finally go out and get ourselves a drink!" All of her friends shook their heads and smiled at their shortest friend, it still amazed them how much alcohol she could consume without being unable to walk. The group cheered and decided to go to one of their favourite pubs to get some food and dance the night away.

\\ Yo peeps, I've decided to start yet another story because I haven't really seen that many full Stray Kids stories out there. But I wanted to do this one with a unique twist so that it wasn't like all of the 'common' storylines that you usually see... I hope you enjoy! :) //

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