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Chase growled wishing he could just slap that stupid smirk off of the glitches face. "Something wrong Brody?" Said glitch giggled. "So this is where you've been all this time. Tired of Ireland?" Chase shook his head. "I needed a fresh start, needed to get away from Bro Average." Anti chuckles, oh how Chase hates that laugh, it was high pitched and sinister accompanied by the buzz of Antis static. "The stuper hero job too much for you?" Chase clenched his fist trying to refrain from putting his hands around the glitches small throat. "What do you do now? You smell like flowers." Anti scrunched his nose up as he said that. "I run a flower shop. And I'm perfectly fine doing so." Anti snickered. "So now you're a flower boy." 

Chase growled stomping off to the glitch. "Call me that again and I'm gonna punch you in your stupid freckles nose." Chase smirked when he saw the villains stance falter for a second, but soon after his own smirk came back. "Don't play pretend." He let out a breath and leaned close to Chases faces. "You like my nose, don't you." To say Anti wasn't prepared for what happened next is an understatement. 

A hand(or two) wrapped around his throat causing him to fall back on to the couch where the hands tightened their grip. A choked gasp escaped chapped lips as his own hands flew to his captors trying to pull them off. Chase glared hard at the glitch and pressed his hands down even harder on his poor throat. "This seems familiar doesn't it Antisepticeye?" Chase chuckles as he watched the being under him struggle soon realizing that that was kind of sadistic. "It does...*gasp*...just not with you." Anti struggled to speak as he saw stars appear behind his eyes. With one push of energy he threw his knee up and managed to knock Brody off of him. 

The villain quickly sprang to his feet sucking in a gulp of air and coughing a bit. He didn't waste too much time though as he threw himself at Chase and pinned him to a wall. He hen pulled back an arm and brought it back down onto Chase face. The other yelping while trying to push Anti off of him as he continued to assault him. Chase swept a food under Anti knocking him off his own feet and to the ground where Chase gave him the same beating action as before. 

Both men has bloody faces and busted lips, along with Antis face being a bit paler from lack of oxygen. "Fuck..." Chase muttered pounding in Antis chest. "Are you done, cause I'm exhausted." Anti grinned before kneeing Chase in the crotch. It backfired on him though as Chase fell down on top of him keeping the glitch stuck on the floor. "You prick!" He shouted as he threw Chase off him. However, Brody caught the arm of the other and pulled him towards him before he wrapped both of his arms behind his back and pressed him against the wall. "What's up with you pinning me down? You trying ta-" 

Anti was cut off as Chase grabbed the front of his shirt and slammed him back against the wall. The Gillian let out a shout as pain shot throughout his body. He was ignored though as the former hero pulled him close again before slamming him again, an again, and again, until the Villain was so black and blue that Chase couldn't bare to hit him again. "I thought we agreed." Chase took a second to breath before continuing. "I thought we'd agreed not to go this far. That it took too much out of us and to just have smaller less violent fights." He waited for Antis answer but the green haired man just shook against him. "Fucking answer me!" Chase growled slamming Anti back against the wall one last time.

The villain gasped before looking up to meet Chases eyes. "And...and then you left. You left and everything...c-changed." Chases eyes widened a small bit. "What do you mean?" Anti shook his head letting it fall forward onto Chases shoulder. Chases chest tightened as he brought himself and the exhausted glitch down the the ground. "Hey just breathe okay?" Why he was trying to soothe villain was against him. Maybe it's because I haven't seen him in years, and he's definitely changed since then. "You always made sure*cough* gang violence...was at a minimum. Those spiked as soon as the country headed that Bro average had left. 

"The Children we're kidnapped. Sold as toys to f-Ed up gang leaders. The police couldn't stop them, and any sidekicks you had completely abandoned everyone." Brody felt his stomach clench at the villains words, shocked that his former teammates would just turn their backs on Ireland like that. "How does that affect you?" He asked, wondering why crime was bothering the villains when he caused just as much. 

"The other "villains" out there thought you had claimed me. Thought that only you and I could fight." Anti let's iut a small chuckle. "Bastards. So after you left, I got attacked more often. Had more action then i did with you. Had to Tussle with villains who didn't like me more then I dealt with supers." Chase arched an eyebrow. "And that upsets you?" The villain flared at Brody before putting his head back down. "It was too chaotic I admit. Everyone was fighting everyone. So I thought I'd come to America and find you, but that didn't go so well."

"What do you mean?"

"Turns out the gangs there weren't too fond of me either."

"What do you mean?!"

"They saw me trying to leave Ireland and didn't particularly like that."

Chase shook the villain in his arms. "Anti tell me!" He shouted at the other pale face. The glitch pulled him self away from Chase enough to be able to pull his black jacket off of his shoulders to wear it sat a bit above his elbow. Chase cursed himself for sweeping the mans body up and down, or least the new part he'd show shown to him, with his eyes. He frowned when his eyes landed on a scar on the others arm a burn scar on his upper arm. Burnt into even paler skin almost sickly pale was a key. 

"So a gang got you?" Chase questioned. Anti nodded pulling his jacket back up. "So I got to come to America for free with the stupid gang." Chase narrowed his eyes. "And why did you need to tell me that?" Anti smirked causing Brody to shove him away. "Just wanted to let you know that maybe I'll be seeing you on the field again." Chase growled. "I don't work for the police force anymore, nor am I Bro average." Anti made a disappointed sound. "Oh well, when you're new city gets destroyed don't blame me." Anti stuck his tongue out and winked at Chase before he disappeared in a mass of glitches.

Chase sighed and stood up wincing at how his face hurt. "I'll kill him, I'll kill him one day. But for now, I just have to deal with him whether I like it or not." And with that Chase left for his bathroom to clean his face off.

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