Stepping Stones

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   Angel walks toward Alastor slowly, gripping the knife ever so slowly upwards to his chest. Angel smirks and quickly pushes the knife towards Alastor's heart before waking up in a shocked and panicked state.

Angel's POV:
  I shoot up from my pillow, sweat rolls down my face. I've been having those dreams since Alastor showed himself as a helper of the hotel. Nifty and I have been slowly designing uniforms for the hotel, she's also designed an outfit for me. She so sweet, a bit too hyper but, overall cute and helpful. Husk gives me free wine, I've let him pour his feelings out to me too. Alastor is a gentleman but, he's a little to much for me, he smiles all the time, he's always wearing red or suit.
  I get up and walk to my closet, taking out a white tank top, a pair of blue jean shorts, black stockings with white lines at the top and some flats. I run my hand through my hair, It's Saturday anyways no one will really be checking in, most are outside till dawn. I walk downstairs, waving to fellow residents of the hotel. I make it to the kitchen. Husk is drinking water and eating cereal, I know he must've been drunk out of his mind last night. Vaggie is drinking some tea as Alastor drinks black coffee, staring at Vaggie, his smile tilting. Charlie drinking some orange juice.
  They take notice of me, and their moods immediately lift, "Good morning Angel!" Charlie is the first to speak. I open my four arms for a hug, she jumps up to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I squeeze her and place her back onto the marble floor. I look in the fridge and grab the apple juice, pouring myself a glass...

Vaggie's POV:
I see Angel set down Charlie, he's more mature than most of us here but he has his silly side too. "Hey  Angel where do work?" Nifty asked, breaking the forming silence,    Angel's interest in the question pecked. "Uh which one do you wish to know about 1 or 1" Angel teases as Nifty huffs, "I work at a café my dear" Angel says booping Nifty's nose.
  He finishes his drink and grabs a apple, which kinda looks weird, and heads to the door, "Im off guys see you soon!" And with that Angel's gone...

(Timeskip to 5:30)

Third person POV:
    Angel walks into the surprisingly quiet hotel, he's hungry so he heads to the kitchen. He decides that pancakes will satisfy his hunger. He grabs the ingredients to make them, he grabs the blueberries, chocolate chips, strawberries, and white chocolate chips. He whips up the batter rather quickly, putting the mixture in 4 different bowls. Once he was done, he ate all of it, he must've been REALLY hungry. He walks back up to his room, changing into pajamas, too lazy to take a shower and doesn't care at the moment because it's his day off tomorrow anyways and he slowly drifts into a deep slumber....

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