•chapter two•

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Becca glanced at the clock for the 5th time in 4 minutes. Mr. McAllister had passed out the tests 20 minutes ago, but it felt like 20 hours to Becca. she didn't realize she skipped breakfast this morning, until her stomach decided to make the sounds of a whales mating call. it wouldn't be mortifying if the class wasn't dead silent; she knew they all could hear it too. what made matters worse was that she's sitting next to the hottest boy in school. he obviously knew it was her because every time her stomach growled, he'd look over at her and smirk. god can this hour go on any longer?! Becca looked back down at her test, trying to concentrate. she had four more questions left, then she'd be done. chemistry was one of Becca's worst subjects, so these last few questions about balancing equations, felt like rocket science to her. her stomach growled loudly once again. she moved her hands down to her stomach, hoping to quiet it. shut up! she thought to herself. she decided to just guess on the last two questions, since she had no idea what to do, and just wanted to get the test done. quickly scribbling her answers down on the piece of paper, Becca brought her test up to the front of the room where Mr. McAllisters desk was. she made her way back to spot next to Noah, who was already done with his test. after about five minutes, the last test was finally turned in. Mr. McAllister gave the OK for the students to do whatever they wanted.

Thomas broke out into a fit of laughter.

"what?" Becca asked.

"oh, ah." he began, gasping for air. "Becca, i have second hand embarrassment from what you just went through."

Becca blushed, rolling her eyes. "oh shut up Thomas."

Noah broke in, "Becca, its okay. don't be embarrassed. we all get starved sometimes."

Thomas began laughing again. "yeah, but i don't think i've ever been THAT hungry. your stomach sounded like a dying whale, Becca."

"Thomas, stop! quit reminding me." she laughed.

"did you skip breakfast or something?"

Becca nodded, "yep. and usually i never do, but i was running a little behind this morning, so i thought id be safe to skip breakfast this morning."

Thomas chuckled, "obviously not."

Noah laughed, "actually same. i didn't eat this morning either. i had an early morning varsity practice."

Becca smiled, "nice! how early?"

"early enough." he replied. "hey, you have a free period after this hour right?"

Becca nodded, "yeah i do. why?"

Noah looked over at Becca. "i was going to ask if you'd like to go to the cafe downtown and grab a coffee and some breakfast."

Becca looked over at Thomas, who's eyes were wide. Thomas noticed Becca looking over at him, and he gave her a look telling her to say yes. she turned back to Noah, who was watching her with a grin.

"i-id love to." she blushed.

Noah's smile grew twice as wide as it was before.

"Great! we got about 3 minutes left of this period. we'll sign out at the office, and then i'll drive us."

Becca smiled, "sounds good. oh, i'll have to go to my locker and grab some money first though."

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