cinnamon and honey.

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     Honey. Jeremiah's lips tasted like honey to Augustus. They felt like fire, cascading all along his body. He was sweet, rough and gentle all at once. Augustus trembled, his body receiving the utmost pleasure. Jeremiah chuckled, kissing down Augustus's slim stomach. His eyes were red rimmed, and on Augustus's. Augustus arched against the soft covers of the bed, biting down hard on his bottom lip.
He had never had anyone like Jeremiah. No one so skillfully good at pleasing him. His throat began to sore from all the moans ripped from it. And yet, it continued— Jeremiah continued. All night, for hours on end. It was so mind blowing that Augustus almost forgot whose bed he was in.
     Jeremiah Vince was a known player, an asshole to most really. Augustus wasn't really sure of his sexuality, and figured he'd regret sleeping with Augustus tomorrow morning. Augustus wouldn't regret anything. He'd want more, as anyone rightfully would. But Jeremiah wasn't the type to make attachments. He didn't want commitment. He didn't do relationships of any kind, except one guy he talked to on the regular— a friend, or something like that.
     Currently, Jeremiah was high as fuck, but still had no trouble mouthing at Augustus's smooth skin. He wasn't thinking, though. He never did, he just focused on feeling— feeling Augustus. His ego was eagerly fed by the sounds emitted from Augustus. The evidence of their physical activities slowly faded into the night.
     When morning came, Jeremiah was first to wake. The light glimmered against his brown skin, creating a compelling sight that looked like warm caramel. He squinted at the brightness, and stretched his arms over his head. He looked around the room, finding his shirt (along with another pile of clothes) on the floor. He swiftly picked it up, and threw it over his shoulders, beginning to button it up.
Augustus had woke when Jeremiah moved from the bed. He watched the muscles in Jeremiah's back contract, and was immediately brought back to last night, and how much he wanted it again. Jeremiah looked over at him, his coco eyes taking in the state of him. Augustus's dark hair was wild, sticking up at the ends, but somehow still holding that cute, messy look. His pale chest was on display, the rest of his bare body covered by the thin sheets. His murky eyes looked at Jeremiah with a hint of mischief, or challenge. Jeremiah was reminded of how those green eyes could barely stay focused last night, and silently laughed to himself.
"Yo shit's on the floor. The door's unlocked," Jeremiah said carelessly as he pulled on a pair of boxers. He plopped back down on the end of the bed, grabbing his phone. Augustus slipped the sheets off his body, climbing out of the bed. He could feel Jeremiah's eyes on his lean body, and smirked a little. He began putting his clothes on, and it was when he was buttoning his pants that he decided to ask.
"Was that the first time you've been with a guy?" His voice was surprisingly deep, and smooth. It was soft as well, almost delicate in a way.
Jeremiah let out a short laugh, "That's cute. Sex is sex, baby. I don't have preferences."
Augustus nodded, checking his pockets for his phone. He was both surprised and unsurprised at finding out he wasn't the first male Jeremiah's had.
"But you are the first white boy I've had in my bed," Jeremiah's tone was teasing, but his eyes were cold. Augustus blushed, rolling his pretty eyes.
"Can I get your number?" He asked, confidently. Jeremiah shook his head.
     "I don't do seconds. No ties, fuck and forget," He said, flicking his lip ring with the tip of his tongue. Augustus nodded again, expecting as much. He could definitely see the asshole in Jeremiah, but for some reason didn't mind as much as other people.
     "I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," Augustus called, tying his shoe laces. Jeremiah went to look for his stash of alcohol, now returning with a bottle in his hands. He frowned at Augustus, the clanking of the bottle against his lip ring echoing out in the quiet apartment.
     Augustus rolled his eyes again, "We go to the same college. We have Tech together." Jeremiah nodded, taking another swing of his drink.
     Augustus let out a silent sigh, and walked towards the door. As it shut behind him, Jeremiah frowned.
     "Damn, he was one of the best." Jeremiah sighed, knowing he wouldn't allow himself to have Augustus Winters again. Anything more than a one time fuck could lead to serious shit. And Jeremiah didn't deal with serious shit. He fell back into the covers, the thought of washing them somewhere in the back of his mind, but he could only focus on the smell Augustus had left behind. His favorite. Cinnamon.

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