Phase One

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It was raining in a heavy, heavy sheet, soaking the world with water. It was unknown if the gods were throwing a temper tantrum, or if they mourned the scene below the heavens as they watched the gate and key part tearfully.

Down on the rocky terrain was a man, a king—hair as golden as the sun and robes clinging onto his skin. In his arms laid someone, a man or woman—one would never know, barely breathing. Their hair was as green as grass, soaked into a forest green by the rain.

"My king..." They rasped, a frail hand briefly touching his face, "listen to me..."

Their breath was shaky and shallow, as they mustered the strength to speak:

"I'm nothing more than one of your countless treasures."

They silenced his protests with a finger as they continued:

"In the future, you will encounter treasures more valuable than me..."

Their hand slipped, as they breathed their last breath. The man watched as their emerald eyes closed and opened no more. Sorrowfully, did he watch the body of his one and only friend disappear into anything but clay and dirt.

The king's one and only friend was no more.


They let out a held breath as they pulled the trigger.

"In the shooting range again, huh Sinai?"

The human turned, lowering their gun. Their target had been obliterated in the center, each shot made its mark. Pale lips twitched in a smile, and emerald eyes crinkling as they set their gaze on their coworker.

"Just something on my mind."

"Penny for your thoughts?"

The man before them had tan skin, snow-white hair, with steel-grey eyes that formed a formidable wall. He was always serious at work, but a valuable friend.

"Nothing much," Sinai replied, reloading to take aim.

"Stupid actually."

"Shoot me with it."

They laughed.

"Wow really? Are you curious about my dream?"

"You seem quite troubled over a dream."

A miss.

Sinai turned to their Co-worker, eyes blinking in surprise. They knew they were almost unreadable to most, their expression always gentle with a natural smile on their lips.

"Really?" Sinai went back to aiming for their battered target.


He watched them.

"Well, I guess you could say that I watched myself die in the arms of another man."

He raised an eyebrow at them.

"I decomposed right in front of him."

"Sounds terrible."

"Terrible it was!"

"Speaking of which, the boss wants you."

Sinai shot him a look, "and now you tell me?"

"You seem troubled," He shrugged under the hard stare of his coworker.

Sinai booked it, hastily putting up their gun and headphones before scrambling out the room and to the elevator. Damnit! His boss was going to be pissed off.

Falling in Love with YouOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz