{ Chapter 18 }

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   As we sat on the locker area benches, not a one of us spoke a word. I was sandwiched between Anna and Drew, Kennedy and Daniel on the other side of Anna. A sobbing Avery was being consoled by Ms. Brandt. It was impossible. It was only the first day! I know this could happen at any moment in this sport, but I still couldn't wrap my head around it. How could this happen? How could this happen...


   "Erica! Hand the horse off to a student and call 911! Ray!" Mr. Watts called, whirling around from a still unconscious Madi to find Ray rushing into the arena. "Ray, glad you're here old friend. Get Dr. Thompson and nurse Taylor down here. Then get Sal settled and checked out by Lahey". Ray whipped a phone from his shirt pocket. Anna had taken over Sal and had her tied onto one of the wall chains, her head hung low as Anna spoke soothing, quiet words to both horses. By now we'd all dismounted, and Kennedy said something to Ms. Brandt. Ms. Brandt nodded, so she and Daniel and took their horses out of the arena, presumably to their stalls to untack (and escape).

"Paramedics are 10 minutes out!" Ms. Brandt called out.

Avery was the biggest mess, and was in full blown tears. It took both me and Drew blocking her with horses in tow to keep her from rushing over there. Two women, one with dark skin and curly brown hair with a solid build, the other pale with long, straight black hair with a tall and lanky frame, were rushing with med kits in tow. They immediately set to work trying to stabilize Mads.

"Let me over!" Avery cried out, trying to fight her way safely past us.

"No Avery! You still have Clover and you won't be of any help if you're over there" I begged, trying to reason with her.

"God damnit Savannah, Move!" She cried, still fighting. That stung, but it didn't matter. She was hurting, this was one of her best friends, longer than I'd known her. I had to respect that.

"Avery!" Drew spoke, locking her in place with both hands on her shoulders, forcing her to look up at him. "You need to stay out of the way and let them work. You're no good to her, or them, if you're like this and in the way. Okay?". She finally stopped fighting and quieted to gentle sobs. Ray returned with two other grooms and male veterinarian whom I could only assume to be Dr. Lahey. Ray and Lahey took charge of Sal and led her back to her stall. The other man took Anna's horse out. The female groom tried to take Rega, but Ms. Brandt nodded her towards Clover. Once the groom had Clover, Ms. Brandt gently took a still sobbing Avery out of the arena, removing her helmet and rubbing her shoulders.

Having that settled, Drew and I took this as our cue to leave. The last thing anyone in that ring needed was horses and riders in the way of the paramedics. Back in Rega's stall, I almost robotically untacked Rega and groomed her, only going by my muscle memory. One pat on her shoulder and I was taking everything back to my locker. Kennedy and Daniel were sitting back on the bench, not saying a word, just staring ahead. Daniel and Anna soon joined us.


"How could this happen?" My voice sounded, cracking, effectively breaking the silence. The question in my head unconsciously came out of my mouth, and thus breaking the ubiquitous reverie that had settled over.

"How do you think newbie?! Th-"

"Kennedy I'm going to say this one time, and one time only: shut the hell up" Drew said, leveling a tired glare at the pair. I thought I saw a flash of hurt in Kennedy's eyes, but they reverted back to arrogance made blank by the shock of the situation. She huffed and turned back to her brother.

"It's the beginning of the season, how is that fair that this happens now? She had the whole year ahead of her and now it's just...g-" my voice choked out on the last word as tears began to take over. Anna put her arms around me and tugged me into a hug as I let the cries come. I sobbed silently into Anna's shoulder. Through the tears, I registered Drew's hand awkwardly rubbing my back, attempting some method of comfort.

After what seemed like an eternity, we heard the ambulance leaving. Mr. Watts rounded the corner to the lockers, his face grave and worn out. We all quickly attempted to put ourselves together, and then we stood in front of him, awaiting our next instructions.

"Alright," he released a shaky breath. "Madeline is being taken to the local children's hospital. Ray rode in the ambulance with her, and he's staying there while her parents are flying from Wisconsin, so until he comes back, Rashida is the groom in charge. In the meantime, this means teams will need to be adjusted. I will have the updated list by Wednesday. I have cancelled remaining practices for all the SHR equestrian team today, but, harsh as it's going to sound, I need everything to be business as usual tomorrow. The horses depend on us no matter what is happening in our personal lives, so they come first. Sal needs you guys now more than ever. On that note, thank you for putting your horses first tonight. That shows me I made the right choice with this team. I believe that's everything..." Mr. Watts trailed off. His eyes scanned over our faces and he softened for a minute, emotion welling into his eyes.

"Come here guys."

We all wrapped into one large team hug, even Kennedy and Daniel. I felt Avery's shaking arm come over my shoulder and someone's arm snake around my waist as we pulled in. That's how we stayed for a solid minute.

"Alright guys, go get some dinner and try to relax. Get homework done, and a good nights rest. Go on, get out of here". We collected our possessions and left our trainers in low, serious discussion.

As Avery and I walked back, it seemed almost wrong that the sun was still shining even after all that had just transpired. There were storm clouds on the horizon, no doubt headed our way.

"I'm sorry I flipped out on you. I wasn't thinking" Avery said quietly beside me. I felt a pang of guilt in my heart.

"It's fine. You two have been friends for years, I should have realized how hard it would be on you". She pulled me to an abrupt stop and held my hands, looking me in the eye.

"Savannah, you're a part of this friendship web now, you're allowed to feel the hurt too. Just because you've only been here a short while doesn't mean you don't get to cry too. You've earned that right as much as Charlie or Bianca." I was pulled into a bone crushing hug and I returned it. "Come on, I already texted the group. We're meeting in ours and Izzy's rooms. Let's grab pizzas from the pizzeria on campus before we go. We're all gonna need comfort food". Aaaaaand she's back.

We somberly opened the door to our dorm to find Charlie, Morgan, Izzy, and Bianca red-eyed and sitting in various spots. We set down our food and they all got up and we locked into one group hug, and comforted each other. It didn't feel right with Madi gone, but this was still just as okay.

"Alright, let them get showered and settled", Charlie said tiredly. Once Avery and I had our turns in the shower, we were sitting in the comfort of dry, clean clothes and good food with our friends. Our TV had Disney + playing Hannah Montana in the background. Around 8:30 we cleaned everything up. Nobody really wanted to leave though.

"I don't know about you guys, but the best part about being in a boarding school dorm hall with your friends, is that there's always an opportunity for a sleepover, even on a weekday" Bianca said with a worn out, but mischievous smile.

"I have to get up early, but if you guys want to crash here, have at it" Izzy laughed.

"No worries, you and Bianca can sleep on your side and everyone else can sleep on our side" Avery reasoned. So it was settled. Everyone brought their homework and sleepover necessities. Morgan got Avery's bed so she could breath easier and we brought her treatment down with us. That meant Avery piled in with me, while the other girls took to the floor. And that's how a night that started absolutely terrible ended with a perfect comfort; surrounded by my newfound friends and our inescapable bond.

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