If Annabeth Disappeared (pt 1)

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Note// I know this is way over did, (the reunion stuff, i havent seen much of this kind) but I thought it'd be cute so here I am. Leggo. And for some reason, when I was writing this wattpad messed up so the paragraphs look really compressed and sloppy, I'm sorry (I'll try to figure out a way to fix it) Anyway, onto the story!

I was pacing the decks of the Argo II, minutes away from landing in New Rome. Minutes away from seeing Annabeth. Oh Gods... Im going to see Annabeth. In less then 10 minutes. I inhale deeply and walk over to the railing, looking down at the hills of San Francisco until I head a loud screeching sound then Leo announcing: "Hey guys, we're gonna be landing in New Rome in about 5 minute. So could Piper go to the landing plank thing, in case the Romans decide to attack us-"
"What am I, your bait?" Piper interrupted, her voice sounding through the speaker.
"-If thats what makes you sleep at night. Anyway Jason goes after Piper, then me, then Percy. Because he's an emotional wreck-" I rolled my eyes at that comment. "-And yeah so. Now if you look below you, you can see New Rome in its finest state, then we have-" Leo stopped talking and started arguing with Piper about how he's always wanted to narrate sights on a ship, which resulted in him getting a slap on the back of the head and turning the intercom off. A few minutes later the ship jerked forward and in result, I about fell off the boat. Again.

Piper, Leo, Jason, and I met up at the landing plank looking down on New Rome. I look down on the rolling hills and the river that ran around the camp like a moat, and was immediately surprised by its size.

(Lets pretend Annabeths praetor and saved the camp blah blah blah, okay?)
I look over at Piper and she nods her head re-assuredly. I nod back and turn to the crowd of demigods gathering around our newly landed ship. I look around for a certain blonde, curly hair... Blonde, brunette, red, red, blonde... none of them are her. I quickly scan the crowd then turn my attention to the two girls in the front of the crowd. The one with dark brown hair said, "They come in peace!" As the
Romans started taking out their swords.
Just after she said that, the landing deck fell to the ground. Piper smiled our way and walked out.
She was having a conversation with the two girls, the second girl being covered so I couldn't see her.
Piper pulled on her ear, signaling it was safe for Jason to come down. As Jason walked down, cheers erupted from the crowd.
After the clapping and screaming calmed, Leo jumped up and ran out. Leaving me.
I can't do this, I can't do this. What am I supposed to say to my girlfriend that I haven't seen for eight months? What if she... "Hey Percy!" Jason yelled, yanking on his ear. I took a deep breath and walked out.

end of volume i

Question!;; Do you guys want me to post the first 'sample' chapter of a book im working on for creative writing? comment please!
also, if anyone knows how to fix this text who-ha, please tell me. id appreciate it.
maggie out *waves*

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