A new beginning 💞

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Craig's Pov:
Today was the day, the day I've longed for years, ever since I made him mine. The day he'll be by my side forever, and we'll be free to be ourselves. No matter what anyone else has to say about it.

I felt the time slip rapidly, as the clock moved more and more every second, every minute, to every hour. As I was standing in front of the mirror, glancing at my reflection. It hit me, just looking at myself made me realize, how much I've changed these past years, how much he changed me.
More and more of these thoughts raced through mind that I even forgot that Clyde and Token were speaking to me while fixing my suit.

As Token walked off to go grab some drinks, Clyde stayed by my side. He looked at me with a grin, his smile warm and friendly as always. He tried to rest his arm on my shoulder but failed once more, due to being shorter than me. I couldn't help but laugh, I could never ask for a better friend. Suddenly his smile faded as he said,
"Shut up Craig, not everyone is as tall as you."

There was a pause, you could tell he was hesitant on what he was about to say.

"I can't believe you're getting married dude! I was supposed to be the first one.  Craig I hope you know , that I support you guys, always have and always will. We're all still are still pretty young, are you sure you both are ready for that type of commitment?" 

He looked genuinely worried, he didn't want this to potentially ruin my relationship with Tweek. I smiled at him and said:
"I don't think, I've been more sure of anything."

That seemed to have reassured him, he leaned in and gave me a hug. Once Token returned back, with the drinks along with a tie. He helped me put it on cause no matter how many times he's taught me i always fuck it up. Token's eyes were full of wonder and curiosity.
"You look like someone I know, who are you and what'd you do to Craig? The Craig I know would've been complaining about being in a suit," Token said.

I laughed it off, but if I'm being  honest, I was beyond anxious. 16 year old me would never believe this was happening, but time doesn't wait. Next thing I knew I was standing on the alter, as the music started to play. My heart skipped a beat, when I saw the limousine parked out front. As the car parked in, Kenny got out and opened the door where Tweek was seated. Seeing him get out of the car, the amount of anticipation I've had to see him. The minute I saw his face, was the moment I remembered once again how damn lucky I was to have him. Tweek's smile, faded as we made eye contact. He looked down and blushed, Kenny stepped aside, as we started the ceremony. Butters was our flower boy, he skipped along happily with a big grin on his face. Trisha and Karen were holding the rings, smiling as they handed it to us. I overheard Trisha tell Karen that she can't wait to be an aunt. I couldn't help but to laugh a bit, once the pastor started to talk to us. His voice became muffled, and all I could think of is how handsome Tweek looked that I couldn't hear everything around me. Soon enough itwas time for our vows.

I grabbed my paper from my pocket, my hand trembling a bit as i started to read:

"Tweek Tweak, I Craig Tucker vow to always be your best friend, lover, and to be yours and yours only. I can't say I'll be perfect, because I'll be lying if I said that. I promise to give you space, and to let you fight your own battles when needed. But I always wanna be there for you, and I will. I promise I will love you and your family with all I have. To love the little things things such as that gorgeous smile of yours. I promise to hold your hand, every chance I get. To give you all my love and affection, because babe you deserve it. You've done so much for me, and i can never thank you enough. I promise to do my best so that you're happy, even if I'm not feeling well. To defend you, even if you are wrong. You are my everything and I don't know what'd I'll do without you.
I truly, love you"

As I finished my vows, Tweek leaned in and kissed me. All I felt was pure happiness and love towards him. As he pulled away, we locked eyes. It felt as if time went back. Not just any day, but how we met and our journey to where we are right now


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