A look back in time 💫

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Craig's pov:
My mom always told me,
"What you give is what you get." Although the concept is very simple, the way you treat others is how they'll treat you. I never seemed to understand what she meant by that till I met a certain someone. It all started back to my early childhood, I was new to area since my family and I just moved in. I wasn't keen on the idea of moving since we had a home already but there was no convincing my parents otherwise. I was beyond angry, not only would we have to leave our old life behind, but I had a little sister on the way. That meant a little brat running around the house crying all the time. My parents told me that I was gonna be attending South Park Elementary. New school, a baby sister, and a brand new life that I didn't know what to expect of it. Let's just say there was much more than anger on my mind.

When it came to my first day of school, I gave my mom a very hard time. I fought against her so much, that I missed the bus so she had to drop me off which was gonna make her late to work. She dropped me off, giving me a kiss on the cheek and wished me a good day. I spent the day being alone, not talking to anyone. When recess came along, I was climbing on the monkey bars just looking off to the distance until I was interrupted and greeted by kid. He had soft brown eyes, fluffy hair, and a smile full of warmth. He climbed up and sat next to me, I looked at him with a glare as we sat in silence.

He looked at me with curiosity and said,
"So you must be the new kid, Craig right?"
"yeah, and you are?"
"Clyde, my name's Clyde Donovan!"

So we sat there and talked for the remaining of recess. We talked about our favorite tv shows and video games, it was nice to have a friend. I was telling him a joke until I heard screaming, he and I both looked around to see a blond kid on the floor with his knee scraped. We climbed down to see if he was okay, it seemed as if he tripped and fell while spilling his drink. Clyde helped him up from the ground, and asked if he was okay. He looked at us with so must fear, he nodded and ran away. I turned to Clyde and said,
"That was weird, who is he?"
"That's Tweek, he's always like that."
"Like what?"
"Just nervous and constantly stressed, I don't really know him well. He doesn't talk to anyone really."

We went on to the remainder of the school day, when it was time to go home. I rode on the bus and sat next to Tweek. He was busy fidgeting with his hands to notice me.

Over the next couple months, I hung out with Clyde and we were inseparable. We did everything together, we even went to each other's houses to play video games. Second grade wasn't so bad, and my mom was proud of me for making a friend like him. As the years passed by things changed, I became comfortable with my classmates. I was constantly talking back to teachers and getting in fights with Stan's gang. Elementary was a blast, I wouldn't trade those years for anything in the world. Although a situation in 4th grade changed everything. This changed my perspective on Tweek, someone who i never really paid much attention too. And what I didn't know was that he was gonna change my life for the better.

Well that's enough for chapter 2, let me know your thoughts in the comments below 🥺

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